The federal deficit will decrease in 2024

2023-07-13 20:23:27

July 13, 2023 Today at 10:23 PM

According to the latest report from the monitoring committee, the deficit of the federal state will decrease in 2024 to 16.6 billion euros. However, it should rise once more from the following year.

The federal government’s deficit should improve in 2024, compared to 2023. This is what emerges from the latest report of the monitoring committee for the period 2023-2028. In the latter, we can read that the financing balance of Entity I – i.e. federal power, social security and non-distributed measures – in 2024 is estimated at a loss of 16.6 billion euros, or 2 .8% of GDP. This is an improvement of around 3.5 billion euros, or 0.7 percentage point of GDP, compared to the year 2023. This year, the deficit should, in fact, reach 20.1 billion, i.e. 3.5% of GDP.

It should be noted, in particular, that the balance of non-distributed measures and the partial balance of federal power will improve, respectively by 285 million euros and 4.9 billion euros. On the other hand, the partial balance of social security will deteriorate by 1.8 billion compared to 2023.

The report also indicates that the deficit will increase once more from 2025. Thus, “for the period 2024-2028, the financing balance of Entity I goes from -16.592 million euros (…) to -29.756 million euros, or -4.4% of GDP”. This corresponds to a deterioration of 13.2 billion euros, or 1.6 percentage points of GDP.

For its part, the Secretary of State for the Budget, Alexia Bertrand (Open Vld), commented on this report on Twitter, stressing that “reform therefore remains necessary”.

#federal #deficit #decrease



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