the fears of doctors before the exam

Los fearslas Doubts and the uncertainty increase among applicants MIR 2023. Less than two weeks before the medical exercise, which will be held next January 21stthe candidates face the final stretch of the preparation, with simulations and theoretical review, to achieve the objective: win the desired position. However, at this time, the fundamental task of the aspirants is not focused on books, but on maintain confidence in readiness carried out in recent months. And it is that, in this sprint In the end, the questions that will be part of the test become the main concern of doctors.

Speaking to Medical Writing, Brunoone of the 12,629 aspirants who have been admitted by the Ministry of Health, assures that the factor that most fears him is the content of the questions. “I am afraid that the exam questions will be so specific and/or absurd that they do not measure the effort”, reveals the young man, who assures that he hopes that the Medicine internalized by the students can be reflected in the exercise and that, in short, the exam does not become “a lottery that randomly orders future medical residents”.

As in the previous call, the MIR exam next January 21 will be made up of a total of de 200 multiple choice questions with four response options, but only a valid one. In addition, the questionnaire will be completed with 10 reserve questions.

Fear of not getting a MIR position

In this same line, Martaanother of the doctors who is called to the test, not only puts the magnifying glass on the questions, but also on the fact not getting the desired position. “My fear, like everyone else’s, is not getting the place I would like following so much effort, sacrifice and time invested, among other things. It is scary not to achieve it and disappoint people and ourselves”, explains the candidate.

Likewise, he is also afraid that something will happen in the days leading up to the exam that will prevent him from taking the exam, in addition to not being able to control emotions. “It’s also scary “not getting there”, emotionally speaking, or having to go through all this process once more”recognize.

However, she assures that the biggest concern of all is not being satisfied with the work done following leaving the exam room. “Taking into account that you have to make a great effort to accept that anything can happen and that not everything depends on you, my biggest fear is not being satisfied with myselfalthough today I can say that I am very proud of myself, for having come this far, no matter what!”, celebrates the doctor, who is confident in the effort made.

Aware of the pressure to which students are subjected in this final stretch of preparation, Ferdinand of TheresaCTO’s academic director, recommends that they focus on their day-to-day life and have confidence in their preparation, since “This means that on January 21 they can bring everything perfectly prepared”. “This day they will know all the theoretical Medicine and they will be able to reflect it in the exam. For this it is important, and the most difficult thing, that they trust that this moment will arrive and that they do it each day of previous study with the certainty that this is useful. Let them know that their preparation leads to that and that to achieve it they only have to focus on planning that the academy gives them daily”, recommends the expert.

The information published in Redacción Médica contains affirmations, data and statements from official institutions and health professionals. However, if you have any questions related to your health, consult your corresponding health specialist.



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