The Fascinating Journey of Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks: Uncovering the Mysteries of Volcanic Comets and Their Impact on Earth

2023-10-22 19:50:14
Comets are space objects made of ice and rock that travel very quickly in space. Unlike asteroids and meteorites, comet 12P/Pons-Brooks is 30 kilometers long and has a solid core. This comet is a cryogenic volcanic comet where a cold volcanic eruption occurs that causes a gravitational flow of volcanic gas without releasing magma. This comet is now heading towards Earth and represents a potential danger. Comets are space objects made of various materials and are sometimes surrounded by a vaporous atmosphere due to the gases they emit. Comet 12P travels through space surrounded by a diffuse gas known as a coma, which is expelled from the comet by solar radiation. As its temperature increases, the comet releases more of this gas, increasing the pressure to dangerous levels. When high pressure occurs, the comet’s surface cracks between the surface layer and the core, creating a large column of ice and gas. As a result, violent volcanic eruptions occur, causing flashes of light to be released into the middle of space. Comet 12P travels at maximum speed through the solar system and takes 71 years to complete its orbit. As it approaches the Sun, volcanic eruptions become more intense. However, there is no reason to worry about Comet 12P approaching Earth. It will pass relatively close on April 21, 2024 and will not pose a direct threat. It should be recalled that comets provide a wonderful opportunity for astronomers to study the formation and evolution of space.
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