The farmers’ protest, February 13, 2024 | Farmers cut several highways in Catalonia and Andalusia and slow down the activity of the port of Tarragona | Economy

Slow tractor movements cause delays on several Catalan roads

The slow speeds of tractors are already causing delays in different parts of Catalonia, according to the Servei Català de Trànsit. Specifically, on the AP-7, B-23, C-59, C-17 and C-58 roads.

Hundreds of tractors are already traveling at slow speeds along many roads from various points in Catalonia with the intention of blocking access to Mercabarna and the port of Tarragona, and cutting off the AP-7 on the French border.

In Girona, the farmers have already cut the N-II in Bàscara and there is a concentration of tractors in Orriols, and in Barcelona tractors are driving on the A-2 motorway at the height of El Bruc and between Castelbisbal and Sant Andreu de la Barca, in the sense of the Catalan capital.

In Tarragona, tractors are moving from El Vendrell, La Bisbal del Penedès and Rodenyà towards Valls, and on the AP-7 there is a slow march on the AP-7 highway between Camarles and L’Ampolla, in the direction of Tarragona, according to the Service Catalan Traffic.

After several days of mobilizations and road closures throughout Catalonia, the mobilizations will continue on February 21, with a concentration of the sector in front of the Ministry of Agriculture, in Madrid. (EFE)

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