The famous “Oreo biscuit” raises controversy after discovering that it contains alcohol, and the company clarifies

Al-Marsad newspaper: The issue of the “Oreo” product containing alcohol sparked a wide case of controversy in Egypt, where the international company stated that “the halal of its product depends on the halal certificate of the country where it was manufactured,” following publishing an email to the company, revealing that its product contains alcohol. .

Two countries where Oreos are not subject to halal standards

In the company’s first comment on the controversy, she told the Egyptian website “Cairo 24”: “Halal certification of the product is approved, according to the country in which it is made,” pointing out that “two countries where Oreo is not subject to halal standards.”

The company noted that: “Oreos are not halal-certified in the USA and Canada…so we recommend users always check the ingredients and label, to ensure they are suitable for your diet.”

Case details

And earlier, “Cairo 24” published an email to the “Oreo” company, that its product contains alcohol, which makes eating it forbidden in many religions, following there was a definition on the company’s official page that its product is not halal, especially in the Islamic religion.

And a girl named Soraya Sheikh Al-Balad, of Lebanese nationality and living in America, confirmed that as soon as she read the product definition on the official page, she sent an email to the company, to make sure that her product was halal, and said: “I began to suspect that Oreo biscuits contained something forbidden, when the page mentioned The official product is non-halal, although it does not contain pork or animal materials.

The girl added, “I sent an email to the company, saying does Oreo contain alcohol? They explained to me that it does contain alcohol, but in a small percentage,” adding that the company told her: “When alcohol is used in our products in a large amount, the line of ingredients will be marked, However, when using vanilla extract we put in the profiles the presence of vanilla in the product, but due to the presence of alcohol in a minute amount, it will not be written, but it is important to note that almost all alcohol from the extract, evaporates during the baking process.



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