The fall from grace of ‘Big Joke’, the ‘supercop’ who wanted to be the face of the Sancho case

Big Joke, the Thai supercop who apprehended and arrested Daniel Sancho, is among the officers suspected of accepting bribes from the BNK Master gambling portal last year.

File photo of former number two of the Thai police Surachate Hakparn. EFE/EPA/NARONG SANGNAK

The controversial Thai officer ‘Big Joke’ became the most recognized face of the Daniel Sancho case in its initial phase, but since then, the former deputy director of the Thai Police has fallen from grace due to a controversy unrelated to the Spaniard, in whose investigation he never directly participated.

Besides: Daniel Sancho’s sentence is now finalized and is being reviewed by a higher court in Thailand.

Surachate Hakparn—his real name—became the focus of media attention as soon as the case emerged during an investigation conducted by police on the Thai island of Phangan and in Surat Thani province, where the alleged murder of Colombian surgeon Edwin Arrieta occurred on August 2, 2023.

Sancho, charged with this crime, will receive his sentence next Thursday at the Samui Court, where he stood trial between April 9 and May 2.

Known for revealing details that did not always align with the actual investigation, ‘Big Joke’ provided memorable moments, including his arrival by helicopter to Phangan on August 15 of last year to conduct a chaotic press conference in which he stated that Arrieta had been stabbed to death, only to later admit that the autopsy results were unknown.

He was dismissed

On that same day and on multiple occasions afterward, he announced the completion of the police investigation into the case, even though that did not happen until several weeks later.

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Following months of scandals regarding his alleged involvement in a bribery network and internal conflicts at the highest levels of the police, ‘Big Joke’ faced a critical blow in mid-August with the announcement of his dismissal.

The officer, known for his frequent statements to the media—where he once confessed to paying journalists to cover his cases—maintains his innocence and has sought legal recourse to clear his name amidst a murky power struggle within the Thai police hierarchy.

Big Joke, famous police officer for handling the case of the murder of Edwin Arrieta by Daniel Sancho in Thailand. Taken from X //Big Joke, famous police officer for handling the case of the murder of Edwin Arrieta by Daniel Sancho in Thailand. Taken from X //

The accusation and suspension

In February, the former senior police officer was named by the Central Investigation Bureau (CIB), one of the main departments of the Thai police, as one of five officers suspected of being involved in accepting bribes from the online betting portal BNK Master, which was dismantled last year.

Other news: New details in Sancho case: Spanish chef covered the room where Edwin Arrieta stayed before the crime with plastic.

An image of the officer in his underwear outside his Bangkok home as police searched the property circulated widely in the media last September, at a time when the deputy chief was applying for the director position of the National Police.

Due to this ongoing investigation, on April 18, as the trial against Sancho was concurrently taking place on the island of Samui, Sancho was ordered to be temporarily removed from the police force. ‘Big Joke’ was one of the six deputy directors of the National Police.

The alleged corruption is unrelated to the investigation into the premeditated murder of Arrieta by Sancho, a case that vanished from the Thai media weeks after it broke.

File photo of Daniel Sancho being escorted by Thai police as he leaves the Phangan police station towards the Samui court. EFE / VANGUARDIAFile photo of Daniel Sancho being escorted by Thai police as he leaves the Phangan police station towards the Samui court. EFE / VANGUARDIA

A policeman with seven lives

Surachate is still fighting and has approached the Supreme Court to contest his dismissal. This isn’t the first time that ‘Big Joke’ has risen from setbacks. In 2019, he was removed from the police force without explanation and returned two years later, also without clear justification.

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In 2020, a gunman fired eight shots at Surachate’s parked car while he was in a business meeting in a Bangkok shopping district, a case that has never been resolved.

With information from EFE.

File photo of the court in Koh Samui, southern Thailand. EFE/EPA/SITTHIPONG CHAROENJAIFile photo of the court in Koh Samui, southern Thailand. EFE/EPA/SITTHIPONG CHAROENJAI

Big Joke: The Thai Supercop Entangled in Scandals

File photo of former number two of the Thai police Surachate Hakparn. EFE/EPA/NARONG SANGNAK

Big Joke, the Thai supercop who chased and arrested Daniel Sancho, is one of the officers suspected of being involved in accepting bribes from the BNK Master gambling portal last year.

The controversial Thai policeman ‘Big Joke’ has recently made headlines, becoming the most publicized figure in the investigation surrounding Daniel Sancho. Formerly known as Surachate Hakparn, he has faced disgrace due to multiple scandals that have marred his police career.

Besides: Daniel Sancho’s sentence is now finalized and is under review by a Thai higher court.

High Profile Investigation

‘Big Joke’ became a central figure as soon as the Daniel Sancho case broke out, when he led a police investigation on the picturesque Thai island of Phangan. This case involved the alleged murder of Colombian surgeon Edwin Arrieta on August 2, 2023.

Sancho was accused of committing this heinous crime and his fate will soon be determined at the Samui Court, where his trial was conducted from April 9 to May 2.

Media Sensation

During the initial stages of the investigation, Hakparn captured public attention, known for divulging details that sometimes did not accurately reflect the ongoing investigation. One significant moment occurred when he arrived by helicopter to address a press conference on August 15, where he erroneously claimed that Arrieta had been stabbed, despite the autopsy results being unavailable.

Dismissal and Controversies

In mid-August, following numerous accusations of corruption and a bribery scandal within the police department, ‘Big Joke’ was dismissed from the police force. Despite his media-savvy approach, which included admitting to paying journalists for favorable media coverage, he has steadfastly maintained his innocence and is fighting to restore his reputation in court.

The Corruption Scandal

In February, amid ongoing investigations into alleged corruption by the Central Investigation Bureau (CIB) of the Thai Police, Hakparn was identified as one of five officers under suspicion for receiving bribes from the BNK Master gambling portal.

The incident gained notoriety when Hakparn’s image, in his underwear while a search of his Bangkok home was conducted, circulated widely in the media, coinciding with his bid for a directorial position within the National Police.

Struggles and Resilience

Despite the turmoil, ‘Big Joke’ has shown resilience. He has appealed to the Supreme Court to contest his dismissal, and this is not the first time he has faced professional setbacks. In 2019, he was removed from his position for unclear reasons, only to return to the force two years later.

In a shocking event in 2020, an assailant fired eight shots at his parked vehicle in Bangkok, an incident that remains unresolved.

Big Joke, famous police officer for handling the case of the murder of Edwin Arrieta by Daniel Sancho in Thailand. Taken from X //

Current Status and Future Prospects

While ‘Big Joke’ battles to clear his name, the situation remains complicated. The alleged corruption tied to the BNK Master gambling scandal has overshadowed the investigation involving Daniel Sancho. It appears that the media has shifted its focus away from the ongoing legal proceedings against Sancho, drawing attention instead to the internal strife within the Thai police force.

Summary of Events and Implications

Date Event Details
August 2, 2023 Alleged Murder Edwin Arrieta murdered by Daniel Sancho.
August 15, 2023 Press Conference Hakparn announces murder details prematurely.
Mid-August 2023 Dismissing from Police Dismissal due to bribery allegations.
April 2024 Sancho’s Sentence Final sentencing expected from the Samui Court.


The investigative saga surrounding ‘Big Joke’ and Daniel Sancho continues to unfold, raising critical questions about law enforcement integrity and public trust in Thailand. As both cases evolve, they not only highlight the complexities within the police department but also the far-reaching implications of alleged corruption in a high-profile investigation.



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