The faces of cardiology in Puerto Rico

Attention to heart conditions, the leading cause of death worldwide, has occupied an important place through great Puerto Rican men and women.

These are the faces of those in charge of cardiology processes in Puerto Rico. Photomontage: MSP Magazine

Currently, there are fewer and fewer specialists on the Island who are accompanying the health of Puerto Ricans. However, those who are at the forefront of public health in Puerto Rico they do everything in their power -literally- to take the medical experience to another level.

One where the patient, in addition to feeling some improvement, feels the full security of being treated by the best in his area. That’s why today, in the #WorldAtrialFibrillationDay We highlight those in charge of guaranteeing the proper functioning of Puerto Rican hearts: cardiologists.

Dr. María Ramos, first President of the Puerto Rican Society of Cardiology

Dr. María Ramos is the first woman to chair the post of president of the Puerto Rican Society of Cardiology, since he had previously held the vice presidency of this group of outstanding doctors. His passion in cardiology emerged in the third year, after a rotation at the Veterans Hospital in the coronary unit, along with his mentor, Dr. Esteban Linares.

“I consider that the cardiology It is a specialty that has many challenges, but also the treatments available make you want to help patients”, adds Dr. María Ramos.

Dr. Karen Rodríguez, cardiologist in charge of the scientific committee of the American College of Cardiology

Since he finished his medical studies he wanted to specialize in cardiology. The passion for science and its dedication to service have been fundamental pillars to be where it is.

“If I were born again, I would be a cardiologist again,” Rodríguez told the Journal of Medicine and Public Health.

Dr. Aníbal Lugo: the doctor who preferred medicine over basketball

Aníbal Lugo had to decide from a very young age what he would do in life. Although he had great skills with basketball, one day, when he missed a training session, his coach told him: “You must decide for what you really want in life.” At that moment, he felt that, although he was very good at practicing this sport, it was not what he wanted to be forever. Now, he is a doctor specializing in internal medicine and cardiology.

“My father always told me that sports, education and work went hand in hand. That one could combine all of that and achieve good results. And well. Here I am doing what I am passionate about and I am good at it.” Dr. Anibal pointed out.

Dra. Ana Finch: The cardiologist who cares for the heart of the little ones

Dr. Ana Finch is a pediatric cardiologist. Without a doubt, this doctor carries her passion for service and medicine in her blood. In addition, she was the first Puerto Rican woman to study cardiology in United States.

“At first it was hard, very challenging. Women trusted men much more than they trusted women themselves. Little by little I gained respect and showed that we are just as capable as a man,” adds Dr. Ana Finch.

Dr. Arturo Medina: teacher for many years on the Island

Dr. Medina is the author of more than 50 scientific articles in local, national and international medical journals that include clinical studies done in Puerto Rico. His dedication to teaching has allowed the development and growth of hundreds of professors and cardiologists trained by him at the Cardiovascular Center of Puerto Rico and the Caribbean.

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“The truth is that I feel ´humble´ (humbly honored) because I have had three professional careers in my life: I was a very successful soldier in the United States Navy, I have had a very productive professional career, I have I had a career at the School of Medicine for 46 years and in addition to that, my town of Yauco recognized me as a Distinguished Son in 1993,” said the doctor.

Dr. Sharlene Medina: with more careful hands for the arteries

Sharlene Medina is an interventional cardiologist at Hospital Damas in Ponce. From a very young age she felt the need to help patients beyond the conventional.

“I decided to do this subspecialty, because I liked doing the procedure and you can see the improvement of the patient instantly, when you face an acute heart attack the patient feels good automatically, you treat him, and that is gratifying,” adds the doctor.

Male cardiologists have also earned the heart of Puerto Ricans, especially for their commitment to the Island and for the love they show in their duties. Here we tell you who make up the group of cardiologists.

Ernesto Soltero Oliveras: pioneer in Puerto Rico for Maze IV surgery in atrial fibrillation

Ernesto Soltero Oliveras made, for the first time in Puerto Rico, the Maze IV. When medications are not enough to control or do not solve atrial or atrial fibrillation, Maze IV surgery is the option offered by science for 30 years to correct it, and it was Dr. Enersto Soltero who led it on the island.

“The surgery, which is known as Maze IV because the procedure is fourth generation since it has been revised three times to simplify it, works on the walls of the upper chambers or atria of the heartwhere small incisions are made”, adds Dr. Oliveras.

Antonio Orraca: the specialist committed to atrial fibrillation

The doctor is a member of the board of directors of the Puerto Rican Society of Cardiology. As a specialist, one of his objectives is that medications be added to a lifestyle, reducing the risks in patients.

Dr. Orraca has also been very committed to atrial fibrillation, especially in educational processes of the disease.

“We have to listen to the patient, evaluate him and dedicate the time to this intervention. That often leads us to know what kind of tests we are going to do to reach a diagnosis,” added Dr. Orraca in an exclusive interview for MSP.

Today on the world day of atrial fibrillation, We want to take advantage of this moment to thank the cardiologists who are always finding ways to achieve the proper functioning of the hearts of Puerto Ricans. Everyone, thank you very much!

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