The expert answers: what to know when you start looking for a job?

The expert answers: what to know when you start looking for a job?

The expert answers: what to know when you start looking for a job?

Where to start looking for a job, what to pay attention to and how to add job ads yourself? We talk regarding this and more with Ragnar Linde, chief specialist and internal trainer of the Employer Services Department of the Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund.

How to get started?

Employers use various employment portals to publish job advertisements and find employees. It is definitely worth keeping an eye on the website of the Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund and looking at the offers of the employment agency portal of the Unemployment Insurance Fund. Job offers can be viewed by anyone interested, and for this it is not necessary to create an account or enter the e-unemployment fund. However, if there is a desire to actively look for a job and apply, then the e-unemployment fund is the gateway from which to start.

You can create your CV and apply for selected positions in the e-unemployment fund. If you already have a CV from before, of course you can also start it. If you feel that you need more help in your job search, the unemployment fund offers you the opportunity to communicate with a personal advisor.

Many employers are ready to offer on-site training as well – there are currently as many as 1,100 such jobs. “This is a good opportunity to start working in a position that is of interest, but the application so far has fallen behind the lack of work experience,” says Linde.

How to best use the job portal?

On the website of the Unemployment Insurance Fund, you can search for job offers by, for example, job title, job location or language skills. “In the e-unemployment fund, you can also add information to your account, which occupations are of particular interest – then the information system can support you in finding suitable offers by sending you notifications e-mail‘, explains Linde. “This way you can conveniently receive offers in one place, and if you are interested, you can apply with a few clicks.”

What else is special regarding unemployment fund job offers? Namely, there is also a salary with all the offers. It can be hidden from public view at the request of the employer, but in the background the system searches for suitable offers based on the salary number entered by the job seeker and then forwards them via e-mail.

How to apply for a job and how to add job offers?

To apply for a job, you must first log in to the e-unemployment fund. In the view of the suitable offer, there is an “Apply” button at the top right. Clicking on the button opens a view where you can leave a short letter of motivation why you are suitable for this job. If desired, the cover letter can be added as a separate file.

In order to apply, you must also have a CV created on the portal – it is very convenient to do this there, because you can also download data (e.g. work experience and education) from the registers, i.e. fill out the CV automatically.

Of course, employers can also edit the unemployment fund’s employment portal. To add your job ad, the first step is to open the job offers view. The job offer form has different cells that must be filled out. There is also information that job seekers consider important in job offers and that should be specified in more detail in the job offer. “An overview job offer with basic information gives a better overview of the offered job and helps in finding a suitable employee,” explains Linde.

If desired, it is possible to translate the job offer into different languages, and the employer can get to know suitable candidates in the same place.

Just as people looking for work can turn to a counselor in the e-Unemployment Fund who will help them find a suitable job, employers are supported by employer consultants from whom they can ask good advice – all the necessary contacts can be found on the website of the Unemployment Fund.

2024-04-03 06:39:37
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