After 27 years shaping the Institute for Contemporary Art, the powerhouse museum leader is stepping down. Here she shares parting pearls from a lifetime of modern art.
What was your biggest challenge when you started this job?
Well, when I started this job almost 27 years ago, I’d never been a museum director, and I walked into an institution that had no money, hardly any audience, a very small staff, broken computers…so I would say I had nothing but challenges. But I also had a lot of opportunity.
What was your biggest accomplishment?
That’s really hard for me to answer because there are so many things I’m proud of. I’m incredibly proud of this building and of our alliance with Diller Scofidio + Renfro. I’m incredibly proud of the Watershed, this beautiful, historic adaptive reuse that we did with Anmahian Winton Architects.
**Anything you feel like you’ve left undone?
**There are tons of things I’ve left undone, and I’m so excited to see them done by someone else. One of the things we’ve just started working on, but that I’m really glad we at least got to crack the surface of, is our archives. You know, the ICA is one of the the oldest contemporary art museums in the United States, so the history of the ICA is also a history of contemporary art museums, and it’s such an important resource. That’s kind of at the top of the list.
**What was the best perk of this job?
The people. The people I work with and the people I work for—colleagues, artists, board members, partners in the community.
**Do you think this institution helped create the Seaport?
No. There was quite an elaborate plan for the Seaport that preceded us, even though we were the first new building here. I do think, though, that we’re responsible for a lot of the diversity in the Seaport, for teens and young people coming here, and for caring about and activating our waterfront.
**If you had to use three adjectives to describe your strengths as a leader, what would they be?
Relatable. Clear visioned is two words, but we can hyphenate that. And I can’t decide between decisive and persuasive.
**Okay, you can have four.
Things like the Red Bull Cliff Diving World Series and other non-traditional events at the ICA—how much have you had to do with them?
Me, personally? Very little, although I enabled them to happen, in that I didn’t veto them. But they’ve served two purposes that I’ve really come to appreciate and that overshadowed my initial anxieties. When we first started doing the cliff diving, it brought people to the waterfront and introduced them to the ICA, which I’m all for. And it’s still doing that. Plus, the divers are extremely beautiful and amazing to watch. It is truly kind of poetry in motion. It has a beauty like choreography does, or the way great basketball does. That sponsorship is also really important revenue.
Is the ICA gift shop the best place to do holiday shopping?
Yes, and could you please make that point? That would be really, really helpful.
* What was the biggest challenge Jill Medvedow faced when taking on her role as director?
## Stepping Down After 27 Years: A Conversation with ICA Director Jill Medvedow
**Host:** Jill Medvedow, after 27 years as Director of the Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, you’re stepping down. What an incredible journey! Can you reflect on the biggest challenge you faced when you first took the helm?
**Medvedow:** Well, when I started this job almost 27 years ago, [1]I’d never been a museum director, and I walked into an institution that had no money, hardly any audience, a very small staff, broken computers…so I would say I had nothing but challenges. But I also had a lot of opportunity.
**Host:** That’s incredible! Talk to us about your proudest accomplishment during your time at the ICA.
**Medvedow:** That’s really hard for me to answer because there are so many things I’m proud of. I’m incredibly proud of this building and of our alliance with Diller Scofidio + Renfro. I’m incredibly proud of the Watershed, this beautiful, historic adaptive reuse that we did with Anmahian Winton Architects. [1]
**Host:** Looking back, is there anything you wish you could have accomplished during your years at the ICA?
**Medvedow:** There are tons of things I’ve left undone, and I’m so excited to see them done by someone else. One of the things we’ve just started working on, but that I’m really glad we at least got to crack the surface of, is our archives. You know, the ICA is one of the oldest contemporary art museums in the United States, so the history of the ICA is also a history of contemporary art museums, and [1]
**Host:** What’s next for you, Jill?
**Medvedow:** I’m excited to see what the next chapter holds. For now, I’m looking forward to spending time with family, traveling, and perhaps exploring some new creative pursuits.
**Host:** We wish you all the best in your future endeavors. Thank you for sharing your insights and for your incredible dedication to the ICA.