The exercise that we all do and with which you will burn more calories if you do it the other way around

If there is something wonderful regarding science, it is that we are constantly discovering new things. Occasionally, even, that certain activities that we do are not really done that way. We have recently learned, for example, the exercise with which you will burn more calories if you do it the other way around.

Just as you read it, there is a training that achieves better results when it is done in the opposite way to the usual one. You are probably wondering what it is regarding, so the first thing is to tell you that we are talking regarding the walk.

How is it possible to burn more calories if you do it the other way around, that is, walking backwards?

If going for a walk already has proven positive effects on the jointsmuscles and heart, it seems that walking backwards can multiply the benefits for the body, so we should try it.

The Hallazgo belongs to Jack McNamaraa professor of clinical physiology at the University of East London, who recently presented his studies in The Conversation, delving into the benefits of walking backwards.

Of course, this is not a movement that we are going to be able to carry out in any situation, but rather we must look for specific spaces to move back. It is worth spending, even a few minutes a day, because it not only burns more calories but also prevents injuries common and helps to disconnect.

So walking or running “in the wrong direction” makes all the sense in the world to most. Anyone who walks regularly is, in fact, prepared to walk backwards.

Adapting to this unorthodox technique may require a bit of time, but precisely in its difficulty lie the benefits we were talking regarding, related to weight loss and relaxation.

Other advantages of walking backwards

Regardless of the speed at which you go backwards, which will increase as the days go by, you shouldand make the effort to learn to walk backwards because your metabolism will have more benefits.

Among these, and according to the professor of clinical physiology, you will control your weight better, avoiding gaining kilos, and you will reduce the probability of heart disease. You will strengthen the leg muscles that do not work when we walk normally, and you will also naturally force your brain to incorporate new orders, developing new neural connections for it.

So try it, even if it costs you at first, and you will see clear results.



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