The ex-wife of the abductor who rescued Andrey Kozlov: “Why did I even fight you?”

The ex-wife of the abductor who rescued Andrey Kozlov: “Why did I even fight you?”

Only two weeks ago we reported thatNadri Kozlovthe abductee who was rescued from Hamas captivity in the Arnon operation, went on a romantic vacation in New York with his partner Jennifer Mester, whom he had known two months before he was kidnapped to Gaza. But since then, the two returned to Israel, and Andrei decided to break up with Jennifer and break her heart.

Now, Jennifer shares the pain of the breakup and is shaming Andrei on social media following his decision to break up with her. “Why did I fight for you? Why did I even know you? Give your life to someone, only for them to totally crush you later. I’m tired of faking; I came out dumb and naive,” Jennifer wrote.

Andrey Kozlov (photo: headquarters of the kidnapped families)

She continued: “You know the pattern when you’re with a narcissistic person, and in the end you get blamed? That’s exactly how this relationship was. I was always to blame. I had to support him from the sidelines and watch him change from the quiet person I knew to someone who forgot who I was. Everyone close to him told him to throw it away Me, including his mother who didn’t want us to be together, but needed me. I knew the day would come when she was still in captivity. People tell him what a hero you are, and he listened. But forget who was behind the scenes. For those who really hurt and continue to be hurt, being a prisoner of love is also bad.”

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Jennifer ended her words on a hard note: “He came back from captivity and he didn’t care what I did for him. My pain doesn’t concern him. I remember when he was in captivity, I felt how I was holding him and he sees me collapse for three months. I live in fear, in sadness. Every time that I talked to him about it, I came out wrong, because he never gave me what I needed from the side I hear ‘marry her, she is your woman, how much she fought for you,’ and then I return to his empty heart and my pain. Why did I even know you? And in the end he blames me, so he doesn’t feel guilty, cold as hell. I don’t care if I’m shaming, I don’t care.”



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