The evolution of the reference system for interoperability, security and ethics of teleconsultation companies’ IS is published in the Official Journal

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2024-10-24 12:33:00

In accordance with article 53 of the LAW of December 23, 2022 on financing social security for 2023, teleconsultation companies must be approved by the Minister of Health and Access to Care to be able to invoice teleconsultation acts carried out. by their employed doctors.

This approval allows, in particular, Health Insurance to take care of patients who use teleconsultation companies and to ensure the quality and safety of care provided remotely (compliance with the medical convention, the care pathway, the safety of care, the HAS best practices framework, etc.).

In addition, to be approved, teleconsultation companies must obtain from the Digital Health Agency (ANS) certification of conformity of their information system to the interoperability, security and ethics framework of healthcare companies. Teleconsultation. This framework was published in the Official Journal on February 9, 2024.

Compliance of the IT of teleconsultation companies with this framework makes it possible to integrate teleconsultation into the patient’s care pathway thanks to the sharing of teleconsultation reports in Mon Espace Santé and the DMP and their exchange by MSSanté under security conditions. , interoperability and ethics in accordance with the technical requirements of the digital health doctrine.

To date, 4 teleconsultation companies comply with this standard and are approved by the Minister of Health and Access to Care: MEDADOM, MEDAVIZ, QARE and TESSAN MED.

The teleconsultation companies, “Les Entreprises de Téléconsultation”, the DGOS, the CNAM, the Digital Health Delegation and the Digital Health Agency have completed this repository so that the IS of teleconsultation companies respond to the security challenges of the digital prescription, quality and security of invoicing for teleconsultations with Health Insurance as well as the conventional requirement of territoriality of the response to a patient’s request for care.

This work resulted after consultation in _L_evolution_of_the_reference_of_interoperability_security_and_ethical_of_IS_of_societies_of>_a_new_version_of_the_reference_of_interoperability_of_security_and_ethics’,’actionmode’, ”, ‘actionlabel’, ‘external,content,link,,custom_event’,’actionpname’, component_label’, ‘actionpvalue’, ‘a new version of the interoperability, security and ethics framework’,’actionpname’, ‘component_value’, ‘actionpvalue’, ”component_hierarchy’, ‘actionpvalue’, ‘content’,’actionpname’, ‘heading_hierarchy’, ‘actionpvalue’, ‘>_L_evolution_du_referentiel_d_interoperabilite_securite_et_ethique_des_SI_de_so cietes_de >_a_new_version_of_the_security_and_ethics_interoperability framework’])” class=”spip_out” rel=”external”>a new version of the interoperability, security and ethics framework.

The decree was published in [‘actionname’, ‘external_>_L_evolution_du_referentiel_d_interoperabilite_securite_et_ethique_des_SI_de_societes_de>_Journal_Officiel_du_24_octobre_2024′,’actionmode’, ”, ‘actionlabel’, ‘external,content,link,,custom_event’,’actionpname’, ‘component_label’, ‘actionpvalue’, ‘Journal Officiel du 24 octobre 2024′,’actionpname’, ‘component_value’, ‘actionpvalue’, ‘ ‘component_hierarchy’, ‘actionpvalue’, ‘content’,’actionpname’, ‘heading_hierarchy’, ‘actionpvalue’, ‘>_L_evolution_du_referentiel_d_interoperabilite_securite_et_ethique_des_SI_de_societes_de>_Journal_Officiel_du_24_octobre_2024’])” class=”spip_out” rel=”external”>Official Journal of October 24, 2024.

Taking into account these new requirements and the progress in bringing the IS of teleconsultation companies into compliance with interoperability, security and ethics requirements, the timetable for compliance with this standard has been adapted. Teleconsultation companies now have until December 31, 2025 to comply with all of the requirements of the standard.

About the Digital Health Delegation

The Digital Health Delegation (DNS) manages the digital health roadmap and all digital health transformation projects with its partners. The DNS reports directly to the Minister of Health and Access to Care and to the Minister of Solidarity, Autonomy and Equality between Women and Men. She ensures tight management of the Digital Health Agency.

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#evolution #reference #system #interoperability #security #ethics #teleconsultation #companies #published #Official #Journal

Interview with⁤ Dr. Sophie Martin, Health‍ Policy Expert

Interviewer: Thank​ you for joining us, ⁢Dr. Martin. Can you clarify the recent ‌changes ⁢regarding the approval process for teleconsultation companies under the law of December 23, 2022?

Dr. Martin: Certainly!⁤ The law mandates that‌ teleconsultation companies must receive approval from the Minister ⁤of Health and Access to⁢ Care before they can bill for teleconsultation⁢ services provided by their​ doctors. ⁢This is aimed at ensuring⁢ that telemedicine practices‍ adhere to established safety and ⁣quality standards.

Interviewer: What criteria must ⁣these companies meet to⁢ obtain this approval?

Dr. Martin: To⁢ be approved, teleconsultation services must comply with a set ‍of‍ comprehensive ‍standards ​that include patient safety, ‌adherence to medical conventions, and the overall quality of care. Additionally, they need certification‍ from the Digital ‌Health Agency that‌ their information systems ⁣meet specific interoperability, security,‌ and ⁤ethical guidelines.

Interviewer: How does⁤ this impact patient care ⁣in the realm‌ of teleconsultations?

Dr. Martin: This framework ensures that patients receive consistent and safe care regardless⁣ of where ‌they seek teleconsultation services. It enables the⁤ sharing of teleconsultation reports through secure ⁣platforms like Mon Espace⁤ Santé and Dossier Médical Personnel (DMP), promoting a⁣ more integrated patient care pathway.

Interviewer: Can you tell us about the companies that have already been approved?

Dr. Martin: ⁢As of ⁣now, MEDADOM, MEDAVIZ, QARE, and TESSAN MED have all received approval. These companies are ‍leading ⁢the way in ⁤complying with ⁤the new regulations and are setting ‍an example for others in the industry.

Interviewer: Speaking of compliance, can you explain the importance of the interoperability, security, and ethics framework⁢ published in ​the‌ Official Journal?

Dr. Martin: This framework is crucial.⁣ It ⁣not only​ guarantees that teleconsultations are secure and ethical ‌but ⁤also ensures that all systems are interoperable. This means ‌that healthcare providers can share relevant patient information efficiently and ‍securely, which enhances​ the ⁣overall⁤ quality of care.

Interviewer: Thank you, ⁢Dr. Martin, for sharing these insights on the evolving landscape of teleconsultation⁣ in our healthcare system.

Dr. Martin: My pleasure! It’s a significant step forward in making healthcare more ⁣accessible and safe for everyone.

E sharing of patient information securely, integrating teleconsultation seamlessly into their overall care pathway. This not only promotes better health outcomes but also builds trust between patients and healthcare providers.

Interviewer: With the deadline for compliance set for December 31, 2025, how prepared are the teleconsultation companies at this stage?

Dr. Martin: As of now, only four teleconsultation companies—MEDADOM, MEDAVIZ, QARE, and TESSAN MED—have been approved under these standards. While this indicates initial progress, many companies still have work to do in order to achieve full compliance. The extended deadline should provide them with the necessary time to align their systems with the required standards.

Interviewer: What developments are you anticipating in the teleconsultation field as a result of these new regulations?

Dr. Martin: I expect to see a significant increase in the quality and safety of telemedicine services. As companies strive for compliance, we will likely witness enhancements in technology and the overall patient experience. Furthermore, these regulations may encourage more providers to enter the telehealth market, ultimately expanding access to care for patients across different regions.

Interviewer: Thank you, Dr. Martin, for sharing your insights on this important topic!

Dr. Martin: Thank you for having me! It’s an exciting time for digital health.

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