The Evolution of Klay Thompson: Overcoming Injury and Adversity on the Golden State Warriors

2023-12-15 06:39:49

Since last year’s Suns War, after he wildly made the “4” gesture to Booker, many fans jokingly called him the Fourth Master. The origin of this nickname was not a compliment, but a mockery.

With 82 games in a season, the Golden State Warriors have played more than a quarter of the schedule. The 5 wins and 1 loss in the first 6 games of the season gave Warriors fans a sweet dream. Unfortunately, when they woke up from the dream, they were faced with a cruel 10 wins and 13 losses. The fact is before our eyes, which is extremely discouraging. The Warriors have only won 6 games in the past 16 games. Andrew Wiggins is in a mess, Draymond Green is messing around, Draymond Green is repeatedly suspended, and Klay Thompson’s accuracy has plummeted. After all, they can’t. Steve Kerr’s coaching staff has met the fans’ expectations. The above are all the reasons for the failure that Braves fans have been shouting about recently. However, the one with the highest level of criticism is none other than Klay Thompson, who was rumored to want to extend his contract in the off-season.

Thompson’s slow start to the season is a personal characteristic that many Braves fans are aware of. In the first 20 games of last year’s season, Thompson scored 18 points, 40.2% field goal percentage, and 39% three-point shooting percentage. The results during the season were 21.9 points, 43.6% field goal percentage, and 41.2% three-point shooting percentage.

Even though the results in the first 20 games of last year’s season are still slightly better than this year’s 16.6 points (the Timberwolves were expelled after deducting 1 and a half points), 40.4% field goal percentage, and 35.4% three-point shooting percentage, but in fact Thompson’s performance in recent games has become more stable and trustworthy than at the beginning of the season, which shows that he is following his slow-burning nature.Even if he is a little slower and a little unstable, I think we can still expect Klay Thompson to get better. But even if he can get rid of the sluggish start of the season, he still needs to have the understanding that he will not be able to return to the state before the serious injury. Age and injury I won’t mention the factors. What I want to mention in this article are three other reasons:

1.Rest restrictions

The birth of the rotation restriction means that Thompson can no longer rest at will. Moreover, he is the player who has played the most games and has the second most playing time on the Warriors. This makes it difficult for Thompson, who is no longer at his peak due to age, physical strength and injuries, to maintain his condition. .

2.defensive focus

We can know from the offensive and defensive contents of the Lakers series last year that the best way to limit Thompson is to have the long man Hedge block the three-point line shot when he bypasses the screen, hand-offs, and pick-and-rolls with the ball, and then the long man Hedge blocks the shot from the three-point line. The defensive back continues to entangle and limit his first shot. This strategy can be seen whether it is against teams such as the Thunder, Kings or Timberwolves this season. If it was Thompson 5 years ago, he might be able to stretch the defense through the ball. , and then look for offensive opportunities. If it were Thompson before the serious injury, he might be able to take off with unburdened legs and maintain the stability of his shooting to make incredible shot choices, but now he can no longer maintain this ability stably. , so this season he will most likely choose to pass the ball, or be forced to take shots in a shorter time and space, resulting in a decline in overall shot quality and a poor performance that cannot be explained by the slow start of the season.

3.Let go of the mentality of a champion shooter

Since last year’s Suns War, after he madly waved the “4” gesture to Booker, many fans jokingly called him the Fourth Master. The origin of this nickname was not a compliment, but a mockery, implying that he was still stuck in the glory of the past four championships. The unwillingness to face the fact that his offensive status has deteriorated can be seen not only in many post-game interviews, but also in the few unreasonable shot choices on the court. Thompson still treats himself as if he is 28 years old and playing basketball.

Professional players should maintain a competitive mentality and full of confidence. Otherwise, in the NBA where monsters gather, it will be difficult to rely on skills, physical fitness, and physical conditions to defeat opponents. More often, it is the competitive mentality that achieves greatness, just like Jordan, Kobe, Miller, etc. Hall of Fame star, but the competitive mentality cannot be too much, and at the same time, you must also examine yourself, otherwise you will only be a reckless man. Before jumping high, you must squat low first. To defeat the enemy, you must not only understand the enemy, but also understand yourself.

Thompson, who is eager to prove himself, must first understand his own abilities, instead of insisting on taking more unscrupulous shots when the opponent’s defense is targeted. Instead, he should carefully choose the timing of his shot, find his teammates when he is double-teamed, and create opportunities for the team. Good opportunity. Even though Thompson has improved recently, his overall condition is still not stable enough. He must know that he is no longer a young guy who can score 37 points in a single quarter.

A similar situation actually happened last season. In the second game against the Suns, Thompson took shots unscrupulously and became one of the reasons for the loss. After the game, his teammates advised him to believe that his teammates would help him create opportunities. Instead of making hard shots by yourself, as long as you let the ball flow, the ball will return to your own hands when you are open. The next day, Thompson immediately shot over 50% in the Knicks game, helping the team win, and even more so in the Knicks game. Three days later, he scored 10 three-pointers in the Rockets game and recovered his skills as expected.

However, it may be that the poor shooting performance of Yonghu Lake in the playoffs last year made Thompson want to get rid of the accusation as soon as possible, which caused things to return to the original point. Fortunately, things turned around. In the Sunshine Game on 12/13 Taiwan time, Thompson’s poor shooting performance in the first three quarters, The coaching staff decided to put him on the bench at the final moment. This was one of the rare times when he was not on the court in the last 5 minutes of the fourth quarter for the Warriors. After the game, he was asked by reporters about his mood. He said: ” It’s very strange and not used to it, but I know I played badly today, so I deserve it.” When asked if he was told by Kerr that he would be benched, he replied: “I will always trust Steve s Choice”

As mentioned earlier, the reason for Thompson’s regression this season is that age and injuries are irreversible. It is also imperative to abide by the rule of not being able to take regular breaks. The rest is to change the mentality, lower one’s attitude, and recognize the team. Young people are growing up, and 29 other teams have also formulated defensive strategies for the Warriors system. I believe that as long as Thompson re-examines himself and adjusts his style of play with the team’s victory as the main direction, he can gradually recover like last year. level.


As I finish writing this article, Thompson shot 8 three-pointers with a high shooting rate of 66.7% in the Clippers game. Thompson also showed patience in that game. Not only did he have excellent shot selection, but he was also patient when being double-teamed. And he can find open teammates without making mistakes. Maybe even if there is no guarantee that he can return to his past level, it is at least a good start.

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