The evidence that we… are extraterrestrial beings

A theory that has long existed in the world of astronomy, once thought to be crazy and only in sci-fi movies, is increasingly proving its reality: Earth life came from space, traveling to Earth. arrived via “trains” of comets and asteroids when the earth was young.

Aliens may not be far away, but ourselves and all species? – Photo: WEELY WORLD NEWS

In recent years, more and more research has supported this strange hypothesis. More recently, in February 2022, work led by Dr. SAKrasnokutski from the astrophysics laboratory group of the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy and Friedrich Schiller University Jena (Jena, Germany) focused on peptides , which is a smaller version of a protein and is one of the basic building blocks needed for life to exist, to recreate history 4 billion years ago.

Theo Science Alert, They used a super-vacuum chamber with some substrates to simulate conditions in cosmic dust clouds, to show that amino ketene – a chemical precursor that makes up peptides – can be formed directly in this strange environment.

Research published on Nature Astronomy This asserts that 4 billion years ago, things that have been proven to be born from this cosmic “smelter” landed on Earth and seeded life.

The evidence shows that we ... are extraterrestrial beings - Photo 2.

Germs of life formed from ancient supernovas and then dropped on Earth by meteorites? – Photo: DISCOVER MAGAZINE

The material for this cosmic furnace must be an environment with diverse chemistry – something that did not exist in the early mess of the universe. The problem is solved by research published on The Astrophysical Journal October 2022 of Japan, USA, and Australia: These are supernovas from Star Population III.

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