The event for the 50th anniversary of the beginning of the Turkish invasion of Cyprus

The event for the 50th anniversary of the beginning of the Turkish invasion of Cyprus

Peloponnese Newsroom

Through its announcement-call, the KKE of Achaia states the following:

This year marked 50 years since the beginning of the Turkish invasion of Cyprus which led to 40% of its territory being placed under Turkish occupation.

An occupation that continues to this day with the tolerance of the USA, NATO and the EU.

The Achaia Sectoral Committee of the KKE will hold a screening of the testimony of Kostas Drosos on “The unknown tank battle that freed 3,000 people” on Tuesday, September 24 at 7:30pm at the “Synchroni Epochi” publishing house, Kanakari 159.

This will be followed by a speech and discussion with Kostas Droso, KKE executive and warrior of Cyprus decorated for his action in 1974 with the Medal of Outstanding Actions, and Nikos Karathanasopoulos, member of the KKE Central Committee and Member of Parliament for Achaia.

The event for the 50th anniversary of the beginning of the Turkish invasion of Cyprus

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