The European Parliament’s decision on Morocco raises widespread controversy

European Parliament The last one on Morocco is considered a transgression of the powers of this legislative institution and an interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign state.
The European Parliament criticized freedom of the press and expression in Morocco, calling for "Ending the judicial follow-up that affected a number of journalists".

This came according to a decision voted on Thursday by 356 members of the European Parliament, in exchange for the rejection of 32 and the absence of 42 out of a total of 430 deputies.

He described the status of freedom of the press in Morocco, West, sunset "steadily deteriorating over the past decade"and urged the authorities in the Kingdom to respect Freedom of expression and media.

An unexpected adventure

In response to the issue, Abd al-Rahim Shahid, head of the Socialist Team in the House of Representatives, considered the position of the European Parliament an adventure in the true sense of the word because it risks the strategic partnership that unites the Kingdom of Morocco with the European Union and harms their common interests in various fields.

The spokesman denounced the behavior of the European Parliament, describing it as"haste" Who is tampering with the common trust as it has accumulated in recent years, noting, in return, the positive position of the Spanish Socialist Party deputies in the European Parliament, who had the courage to announce their explicit objection.

Morocco has engaged in deep reforms

Shaheed did not miss, on this occasion, recalling that The Kingdom of Morocco It has been engaged, for a long time, with conviction and responsibility, in the path of developing its democratic model by activating a group of political reforms deeply institutional; Perhaps the most prominent of these reforms are the bold human rights initiatives and the creation of an atmosphere of political détente by announcing the Equity and Reconciliation Commission to achieve national reconciliation.

According to the parliamentarian, these reforms were enshrined in the promulgation of the 2011 constitution, which effectively established the foundations of a state of institutions, enshrined the principle of democratic choice, and endorsed a system of constitutional bodies and institutions concerned with the protection and advancement of rights and freedoms, as Morocco culminated in this reform path by effectively engaging in the international human rights system. And the voluntary openness to the special procedures, which culminated in the frequent visits of many special rapporteurs and working groups to Morocco, as well as the submission of reports by the Kingdom to Morocco. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights And interact with grievance mechanisms Human Rights Counciland permanent interaction with the universal periodic review mechanism.

intentional disregard

In his speech, Abd al-Rahim Shaheed, head of the Socialist Team in Parliament, expressed his astonishment at the intended disregard of all these international tracks and mechanisms that discuss the various cases that the European Parliament chose to talk regarding, and their adoption of fallacies that appear to be human rights related to the defense of freedom of opinion and expression. But the fact of the matter is that the goal behind this is openly political, and it was adopted in order to deal with the crises besieging the European Community as a political and economic bloc or as independent countries in the face of the repercussions of Covid pandemic The war in Eastern Europe.

He continued, that "This European position comes in the context of serving the interests of multiple lobbies whose interest is to attack Morocco and wage a proxy war in favor of the opponents of its territorial integrity.".

On this basis, Shahid adds, we called on the socialist team in the House of Representatives, the members of the European Parliament, who have an adventurous position, to not interfere in Moroccan internal affairs and devote themselves to dealing with what he called "Moral and institutional corruption" shown by the recent bribery scandals. Stressing the importance of the European-Moroccan partnership, and the need to continue joint work to develop it in order to strengthen the built relations of mutual trust between Morocco and the European Union.

Morocco will not accept dictates

The same position was defended by Mohamed Boudin, head of the Atlas Center for the Analysis of Institutional and Indicators, as he emphasized that the decision of the European Parliament cannot be interpreted within the framework of diplomatic logic because the Kingdom of Morocco is an independent and sovereign state and cannot accept political pressure or dictates.

And he continued in a statement to"Sky News Arabia": "If the approach of stalking and the mentality of guardianship and arrogance is maintained, it will not be possible for the European Parliament to make a constructive contribution to Moroccan-European relations".

The specialist in international relations highlighted that the recent decision of the European Parliament will not prevent the Moroccan ambition from advancing, and represents a reflection of the frustration of the Moroccan fast and their continuous failure to undermine and isolate it.

Fulfillment of obligations

In a related context, Boden confirmed, that "Morocco is not a perfect or perfect country, like other countries, but it has its own institutions, judicial sovereignty and model. Therefore, the last decision is not intended to push forward, but rather it is used human rights To feed a negative matrix around Morocco and an attempt to sell spoiled goods in shiny packages by presenting an unbalanced picture of the legal and factual developments of the issues raised.".

The expert demanded that the European Parliament "Fulfills its obligations to Morocco within the framework of common values ​​without interfering with the judicial sovereignty and internal issues of Morocco and without violating it United Nations chartersAnd take encouraging steps to address bilateral issues because any organization that chooses such methods to bypass the borders of sovereignty will get the appropriate answer from Morocco".


Moroccan political actors, in all their colors, considered it a decision European Parliament The last one on Morocco is considered a transgression of the powers of this legislative institution and an interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign state.
The European Parliament criticized freedom of the press and expression in Morocco, calling for “an end to the judicial prosecution once morest a number of journalists.”

This came according to a decision voted on Thursday by 356 members of the European Parliament, in exchange for the rejection of 32 and the absence of 42 out of a total of 430 deputies.

He described the status of freedom of the press in Morocco, West, sunset “Continuously deteriorating over the past decade,” he urged the kingdom’s authorities to respect Freedom of expression and media.

An unexpected adventure

In response to the issue, Abd al-Rahim Shahid, head of the Socialist Team in the House of Representatives, considered the position of the European Parliament an adventure in the true sense of the word because it risks the strategic partnership that unites the Kingdom of Morocco with the European Union and harms their common interests in various fields.

The speaker denounced the behavior of the European Parliament, describing it as “hasty” that tampered with the common trust accumulated in recent years, noting in return the positive position of the Spanish Socialist Party deputies in the European Parliament, who had the courage to announce their explicit objection.

Morocco has engaged in deep reforms

Shaheed did not miss, on this occasion, recalling that The Kingdom of Morocco It has been engaged, for a long time, with conviction and responsibility, in the path of developing its democratic model by activating a group of political reforms deeply institutional; Perhaps the most prominent of these reforms are the bold human rights initiatives and the creation of an atmosphere of political détente by announcing the Equity and Reconciliation Commission to achieve national reconciliation.

According to the parliamentarian, these reforms were enshrined in the promulgation of the 2011 constitution, which effectively established the foundations of a state of institutions, enshrined the principle of democratic choice, and endorsed a system of constitutional bodies and institutions concerned with the protection and advancement of rights and freedoms, as Morocco culminated in this reform path by effectively engaging in the international human rights system. And the voluntary openness to the special procedures, which culminated in the frequent visits of many special rapporteurs and working groups to Morocco, as well as the submission of reports by the Kingdom to Morocco. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights And interact with grievance mechanisms Human Rights Counciland permanent interaction with the universal periodic review mechanism.

intentional disregard

In his speech, Abd al-Rahim Shaheed, head of the Socialist Team in Parliament, expressed his astonishment at the intended disregard of all these international tracks and mechanisms that discuss the various cases that the European Parliament chose to talk regarding, and their adoption of fallacies that appear to be human rights related to the defense of freedom of opinion and expression. But the fact of the matter is that the goal behind this is openly political, and it was adopted in order to deal with the crises besieging the European Community as a political and economic bloc or as independent countries in the face of the repercussions of Covid pandemic The war in Eastern Europe.

He continued, “This European position comes in the context of serving the interests of multiple lobbies whose interest is to attack Morocco and wage a proxy war in favor of the opponents of its territorial integrity.”

On this basis, Shahid adds, we called on the socialist group in the House of Representatives, members of the European Parliament, who have an adventurous position, to not interfere in Moroccan internal affairs and devote themselves to dealing with what he called the “value and institutional corruption” that was revealed by the recent bribery scandals. Stressing the importance of the European-Moroccan partnership, and the need to continue joint work to develop it in order to strengthen the built relations of mutual trust between Morocco and the European Union.

Morocco will not accept dictates

The same position was defended by Mohamed Boudin, head of the Atlas Center for the Analysis of Institutional and Indicators, as he emphasized that the decision of the European Parliament cannot be interpreted within the framework of diplomatic logic because the Kingdom of Morocco is an independent and sovereign state and cannot accept political pressure or dictates.

And he continued in a statement to “Sky News Arabia”: “If the approach of lurking and the mentality of guardianship and arrogance in dealing is preserved, then it will not be possible for the European Parliament to make a constructive contribution to Moroccan-European relations“.

The specialist in international relations highlighted that the recent decision of the European Parliament will not prevent the Moroccan ambition from advancing, and represents a reflection of the frustration of the Moroccan fast and their continuous failure to undermine and isolate it.

Fulfillment of obligations

In a related context, Boden stressed that “Morocco is not a perfect or ideal country, like other countries, but it has its own institutions, judicial sovereignty and its own model. Therefore, the latest decision is not intended to push forward, but rather it uses human rights To feed a negative matrix around Morocco and an attempt to sell spoiled goods in shiny packages by presenting an unbalanced picture of the legal and factual developments of the issues raised.

The expert called on the European Parliament to “fulfill its obligations towards Morocco within the framework of common values ​​without interfering in the judicial sovereignty and internal issues of Morocco and without violating United Nations chartersAnd take encouraging steps to address bilateral issues, because any organization that chooses such methods to bypass the borders of sovereignty will receive the appropriate answer from Morocco.



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