the European Parliament describes Russia as a “State promoter of terrorism”

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1:30 p.m : You will therefore learn that the right-wing MEPs Thierry Mariani and Gilles Lebreton or even the far-right MEP Jordan Bardella voted once morest this resolution. On the abstention side, we find right-wing MEPs Brice Hortefeux and Nadine Morano, as well as left-wing elected officials Manon Aubry, Leïla Chaibi, Anne-Sophie Pelletier and Younous Omarjee.

13h29 : Bonjour @Nantes. Many of you in the comments ask me for the list of deputies who voted once morest the resolution of the European Parliament, which qualifies Russia as a state “promoter of terrorism”. Here is the full list published on the Parliament’s website (PDF). Go to page 41, which concerns the vote on the whole text (the previous pages mention each vote by paragraph).

13h26 : Hello Franceinfo, might we know who are the 58 votes once morest and 44 abstentions, please? Thanks!

1:18 p.m : It’s time for our best-of, here are the contents not to be missed:

• Discover the all-consuming ambitions of the scheming Evgueni Prigojine, the conductor of the Russian paramilitary group Wagner. Portrait signed Fabien Magnenou.

• Should we expect a freezing winter due to the presence of a bubble of cold air currently in the Arctic? Our reporter Quang Pham posed the question to meteorologists.

• Paul Philippe explains to you why the image of the Emir of Qatar carrying the flag of Saudi Arabia is not trivial.

13h00 : I welcome @Europarl_EN decision to recognize Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism and as a state which uses means of terrorism. Russia must be isolated at all levels and held accountable in order to end its long-standing policy of terrorism in Ukraine and across the globe.

Translation: “I salute @Europarl_EN for recognizing Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism and as a state using means of terrorism. Russia must be isolated at all levels and held accountable in order to end its long-standing policy of terrorism in Ukraine and around the world.”

12h59 : “Russia must be isolated at all levels and held accountable to end its longstanding policy of terrorism.”

A decision also welcomed by the Ukrainian president on Twitter.

12h56 : Today, the European Parliament recognized Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism and as a state which uses means of terrorism. I am grateful to @Europarl_EN for this crucial step which strengthens the international isolation of Russia and rightfully confirms its pariah status.

Translation: “Today the European Parliament has recognized Russia as a State that supports terrorism and as a State that uses means of terrorism. I am grateful to @Europarl_EN for this crucial step which reinforces the international isolation of the Russia and rightly confirms its pariah status.”

12h54 : A decision which did not fail to react on the Ukrainian side. The chief of staff of the Ukrainian presidency, Andriy Yermark, expressed on Twitter “his recognition” to the European Parliament, “for this crucial step which reinforces Russia’s international isolation and rightly confirms its pariah status”.

12h52 : In this text adopted in Strasbourg by 494 votes in favor (58 votes once morest and 44 abstentions), MEPs describe “Russia as a state promoter of terrorism and as a state that uses terrorist means”.

12h49 : The European Parliament adopts a resolution calling Russia a“state promoter of terrorism”.

11h59 : It’s noon, we rewind the news of the morning:

• Volodymyr Zelensky accused Russia of “murder”following the death of an infant in a bombardment targeting a maternity hospital in the Zaporizhia region. Follow our live.

•Two explosions, considered as “attacks” by the Israeli police, took place this morning at bus stops in Jerusalem. They left one dead and fifteen injured..

• Bad news for the Blues. Lucas Hernandez, injured in the 13th minute last night in the match once morest Australia, ruptured the anterior cruciate ligament in his right knee. He is forfeited until the end of the World Cup.

• A man opened fire at a Walmart supermarket in Virginia (United States), killing six, according to the municipality. The shooter is dead, said the police.

09h14 : It’s 9 a.m. and dust, here is the point on the news:

• Volodymyr Zelensky accused Russia of “murder”following the death of an infant in a bombardment targeting a maternity hospital in the Zaporizhia region. Follow our live.

•Two explosions, considered as “attacks” by the Israeli police, took place this morning at bus stops in Jerusalem. They left one dead and fifteen injured.

• Bad news for the Blues. Lucas Hernandez, injured in the 13th minute last night in the match once morest Australia, ruptured the anterior cruciate ligament in his right knee. He is forfeited until the end of the World Cup.

• A man opened fire at a Walmart supermarket in Virginia (United States), making “deaths”according to local authorities.“The shooter is dead”said the city of Chesapeake on Twitter.

09h01 : “The enemy has once once more decided to try to accomplish by terror and murder what he might not accomplish in nine months [de guerre en Ukraine].”

09h03 : “A two-storey building housing a maternity ward was destroyed [cette nuit] by a missile attack in the area of ​​the local hospital” of Vilniansk, in the Zaporizhia region, says the Ukrainian State Service for Emergency Situations. An infant was killed, but his mother and a doctor were able to be pulled out of the rubble.

09h03 : Volodymyr Zelensky accuses Russia of “murder”following the death of an infant in a bombardment targeting a maternity ward.

08h54 : Finally, The cross made its one on “the war of attrition” in Ukraine. The daily went to meet Ukrainian fightersin the Donbass and in the Kherson region.




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