2024-02-13 01:22:00
Reporter Li Hongdian/Reporting from Taipei
▲Professor Li Zhongxian pointed out that YouTuber Elle Darby’s request for free accommodation at the White Moose Cafe in Dublin was rejected. (Picture/reproduced from Paul V. Stenson’s fan page)
There are endless cases of Internet celebrities making shameless endorsements or asking for free hospitality in high-end hotels. Finding ways to create controversy is a way for Internet celebrities to reap benefits. News is good news, and the worst thing is obscurity. In the Internet ecology of the capitalist world, voice is the key to success. is the most important,Morality is just a stumbling block that prevents influencers from expanding their business.Li Zhongxian, a professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at National Cheng Kung University, wrote this in his article “Internet Celebrity Chaos”.
Professor Li Zhongxian pointed out that Elle Darby, a British YouTuber in her early 20s, caused a “controversy” in 2018 when she requested a free stay at the White Moose Cafe in Dublin in exchange for being followed through her 87,000 YouTube and 76,000 Instagram for publicity.
Darby wrote an email to Five Star promoting her career as a social media influencer focusing on lifestyle, beauty and travel, adding that she would be happy to feature her in her YouTube videos/dedicated Instagram Stories Feature your hotel in to drive traffic to your hotel and recommend others to book in exchange for free nights.
White Moose Cafe owner Paul Stenson didn’t accept the request. In a vitriolic but anonymous response posted on Facebook, which attracted thousands of likes and shares, he wrote: Thank you for your email asking for free accommodation in exchange for exposure.It takes a lot of courage and shame to send an email like this.If I let you stay overnight in exchange for a feature in your film, who will pay the hotel staff to take care of you?
▲White Moose Cafe, a hotel in Dublin. (Picture/reproduced from The White Moose Café fan page)
Stenson continued: Luckily we also have a large social media following. We have 186,000 followers on our two Facebook pages, 80,000 followers on Snapchat, 32,000 followers on Instagram, and a paltry 12,000 followers on Twitter, but gosh,I would never in a million years ask anyone for anything for free. Statistics don’t make me better than anyone else, nor do they entitle me to not having to pay.
Later, Darby posted a video claiming that he had been humiliated and bullied online. Then Internet celebrities like Darby all united to deal with the hotel. Soon following, there was a flood of negative comments regarding the Stenson Hotel on the Internet. Come.
Stenson wrote: The blogging community has too strong a sense of entitlement, and the nastiness, hissing, and general hatred displayed following one of your membership requests for free was not met is giving you a brings a bad reputation to the entire industry.
From now on, if any of you attempt to enter our premises, you will be ejected from our property.
Professor Li Zhongxian bluntly said that problems like this arise one following another. This is not a problem unique to Taiwan. It is a huge change in information dissemination and morality in human society following the information technology revolution.
Internet celebrities in their 20s spend all day doing nothing to create disputes. They lack morality and social responsibility. They create topics and then become rich, and then lead a group of children into mischief! Darby now has more than 600,000 fans, and she has been doing these things constantly, playing moral tricks within the boundaries of not breaking the law!This is the chaotic situation of Internet celebrities in modern society!
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