“The ESG Revolution: Navigating the Complexities of CSR, Green Finance, and Extra-Financial Reporting”

2023-05-09 11:30:00

The responsible company at the time of the accounts

Several news in 2022 and 2023 will change the game ofESG, for Environment, Society, Governance and CSR, for Social and Environmental Responsibility, three letters that now guide business strategy but also the investment of savings : forthcoming entry into force of new European regulations, such as the green taxonomy and the CSRD directive, which will oblige companies to measure and above all better report on their extra-financial results in a specific report. All companies with more than 250 employees will have to produce this report in 2024. The question agitates the world of auditing and consulting and company management at the time of the forthcoming transposition of the directive by the French parliament.

Finance, for its part, is accelerating its shift towards the ESG impact to finance the ecological transition. But the real effects on the economy of this direction of green savings are still difficult to measure. ESG comes up against the complexity of defining common standards. At the time of reckoning, ESG is meeting its limits at the risk of falling into the pitfall of Greenwashing.

The program

Program & Speakers

1:55 p.m.: INTRODUCTION – Editorial from the editorial staff

Philippe Mabille – Editorial director of the Tribune

2:00 p.m.: CSR, ESG: the responsible company at the time of the accounts

2:15 p.m.: CSR, ESG: the responsible company at the time of the accounts

2:45 p.m.: DIALOGUE – Will the ecological or societal dividend become widespread?

3:00 p.m.: DEBATE – Green finance: is the Paris marketplace ambitious enough?

3:40 p.m.: DEBATE – Getting out of carbon completely, a question of time or method

4:10 p.m.: INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE – The extra-financial reporting revolution in 2024

4:30 p.m.: DIALOGUE – Climate, biodiversity: does ESG keep its promises?

4:50 p.m.: DIALOGUE – How to invest your savings without increasing your carbon footprint?

5:10 p.m.: Keynote: Driven by CSR? The company, a responsible player in societal challenges

5:30 p.m.: DEBATE – Real estate in the face of the ESG Revolution

5:50 p.m.: DIALOGUE Quality of life at work: How to better manage the S of ESG

6:10 p.m.: DEBATE – Organizing a new sharing of value in the company

6:40 p.m.: INTERVIEW – The new rules of the game for responsible capitalism