The Environmentalists of Liège: Federal and Regional Election Candidates Revealed

2023-12-18 06:51:08

The Environmentalists of the province of Liège designated on Saturday the heads of the lists and the main places at the federal level and in the Region for the election of June 9, 2024. The Greens opted for well-known names.

Thus, at the federal level, it is the Liège resident and feminist Sarah Schlitz who will be at the head of the list. Formerly Secretary of State, she had to resign from her post.

At his side, we will find Samuel Cogolati. Elected to Parliament in 2019 and municipal councilor in Huy, he is interested in international issues.

The Verviét councilor Nezha Darrajiet will occupy the third effective place and the Liégeois Vincent Hitabatuma the fourth.

As for the substitutes, first place goes to Wanzois Nicolas Parent, the second to the leader of the Vert Ardent group, Caroline Saal.

To the Region

In the Region, Veronica Cremasco will be head of the list, accompanied by Olivier Bierin, the same pair as four years ago.

The Minister of Mobility and Public Works in Wallonia, Philippe Henry, will occupy a supporting position by being last in force.

Among the substitutes, Mehdi Bouzalgha, from Oupeye, occupies the first step. The second replacement goes to Liège municipal councilor Laura Goffart, and the last to Matthieu Content.

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