The Enigmatic Life of Marlon Brando: From Acting Genius to Personal Demons

2023-12-24 12:33:54

Marlon Brando He was a rare bird in Hollywood, generating admiration for the performances he gave throughout his years as an actor. And by the way, not just any film, since the career of the Omaha, Nebraska native includes a selection of films that are now cult works.

Although he played the charismatic Vito Corleone one The Godfather (1972) and the fearsome Coronel Walter Kurtz and Apocalypse now (1979), his roles left an indelible mark on cinema. However, like any genius, the performer condenses the worst demons due to his arrogant and unpredictable character, which partly tarnishes the legacy he left the world.

In the same way, Brando ventured through his characters with the Stanislavski method, developed by the Russian actor Konstantin Stanislavskito delve into the mind of Stanley Kowalski, among others, who still resonate in the retina of any theater student.

However, it is the actor’s private life that generates the greatest controversies, given that he was married three times, having about 11 children with his ex-partners; Furthermore, in a conservative era, he had several romances involving both Hollywood women and men.

The humble beginnings of Marlon Brando

The actor’s childhood was not bright since his father and mother were alcoholics. After suffering mistreatment from both of them, he decided to embark on an adventure in New York and follow two of his sisters who dreamed of acting.

Thus, Brando began a path that brought him success, first, on the Broadway stage in 1944. “Marlon never had to learn how to perform. “He already knew everything”highlighted the legend of interpretation, Stella Adlerto his most brilliant student.


Within a few years, Brando played the role of Stanley Kowalski in Tennessee Williams’ play, A Streetcar Named Desirewhich was made into a film with the performer giving life to the antagonist again.

Behind the overwhelming success were hidden the fears of a child who many times had to pick up his drunk mother who was fainting alone on the street. While his father, dedicated to selling pesticides, lived disconnected from the needs of his son.

“My mother was an alcoholic. On several occasions I had to get her out of jail. “My father was a violent man who beat my mother and me.”noted the actor himself in the documentary Listen to me Marlon.

Likewise, despite a life full of abandonments, the interpreter of Napoleon found in acting the tool that allowed him to adapt reality through the art of improvisation.

According to his biographer William Mann, it was a resource that allowed him to exude intelligence and also boast of a terrible egocentrism capable of destroying everything in its path. “If a lie is valid, Marlon will not tell the truth. The truth bores him. It seems dull compared to a good lie, an improvisation and a well-timed tantrum.”indicated the writer.

Of course, in his moments of lucidity he was capable of admitting his mistakes. “I pursued women to cover what my mother could never give me and to hurt my father.”he mentioned in his last years. “I needed to have control so as not to suffer”he stated The country.

The loves of Marlon Brando

As an urban legend of the show, there was much speculation about Brando’s sex addiction, who admitted to those close to him that he had an active sexual life, where experimentation was the tone of his multiple relationships that involved his own colleagues.

For this reason, several stars sound like his possible lovers: Marilyn Monroe, Marlene Dietrich, Ava Gardner, Grace Kelly, James Dean, Rock Hudson, Richard Pryor, Marvin Gaye and James Baldwin.

Over the years, the actor was candid about his experiences, calling his actions because he was a “sexual beast”collects a note from The country. He also stated in an intimate interview with Gary Carey that “I’ve never paid much attention to what people think of me.”he said for the book The wild.

The alleged abuse of the babysitter

Although Brando himself assures that his first sexual impulses began as early as 4 years of age, his figure of desire had a name: Ermie, his dark-skinned nanny, of Danish and Indonesian descent, with such an exotic appearance that it marked her image in the artist for his entire life.

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True or not, the story would begin with his attraction to his caregiver, with whom he claims he felt in love. Likewise, he remembers how during his childhood, they both shared a bed naked. “One night I sat next to her, observing her body and caressing her breasts.” […] I lay down on top of her. She was only mine, she belonged only to me”mentioned the supplement Icon from the Spanish newspaper.

In parallel, the actor confessed that his entire life he tried to heal this traumatic separation with all his relationships. What’s more, this relationship, classified as sexual abuse of which Brando was a victim, would have led him to “that compulsive attitude towards sex: I wanted to practice it every day and the more the better. “Brando was attracted to women of similar physique his entire life.”señaló Susan Mizruchi, author of Brando’s smileto El País.

About his marriages, the actor married Anna Kashfi, Movita Castaneda and Tarita Teriipaia. But it only lasted a couple of years. “I wanted to be loved and desired by women. But he ended up breaking their hearts, because he couldn’t be faithful.”Mizruchi added in his book.

Food: Marlon Brando’s other passion

Now, Brando also stole the spotlight behind the camera, having an unhealthy appetite, as he consumed large amounts of food. According to Richard Erdman, a castmate in Men (1959), the actor used to eat junk food and peanut butter, a food of the “which he took straight from the jar”. However, despite his slim figure, he used to gain weight quite frequently.

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Likewise, I ate a lot of cinnamon buns, which I devoured straight from the boxes. Therefore, his breakfasts were an extreme combination of salt and sugar. It should be noted that in his breakfast there were eggs with bacon, sausages, cereals, among other high-calorie products.

According to what they remember, a hungry Brando was capable of eating six hot dogs at El Pink, a place located in Hollywood, they stated. The vanguard. Thus, when he lived in his mansion on Mulholland Drive, his friends brought him hamburgers, which they put behind the bars of his luxurious mansion.

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