The Engagés’ Perspective on Veil Wearing in Anderlecht Municipality – Debates, Positions, and Solutions

2023-12-01 09:16:11

The Engagés are part of the majority in Anderlecht, the Brussels municipality which voted for the text authorizing the wearing of the veil in the administration.

For Élisabeth Degryse, the fact that Ecolo (who is also part of the majority) did not first take the trouble to talk regarding it with his majority “it’s still problematic“. And that “at a time when the population is having trouble with all the little political games, where the population is disinterested in what is happening. Doing this exercise, deliberately adding fuel to the fire, on the part of Ecolo, is truly unacceptable for us“.

Basically, the head of the list of the Les Engagés party for the federal elections in Brussels specifies that his party supported the text this Thursday evening “because it was amended“. And that the text provides that working groups must be set up. In addition, there is no date for its implementation.

Élisabeth Degryse recalls the line of her party, in other words “the ban on wearing convictional signs when in contact with the public, when occupying a position of authority“. For the rest, discussion is possible.

Should we understand that the intention of the PS or the Engaged is to ensure that this text does not come into force? “Non“, estimates the former vice-president of the Christian Mutuality. “I think that in a democratic debate that we wanted within a majority yesterday, we made room for all positions, we accepted a text of motion which, I repeat, is not a text of law, and we are committed to addressing the issue.”

#Wearing #veil #administration #Anderlecht #Elisabeth #Degryse #criticizes #lack #consultation #EcoloGroen



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