“The Enemies of the Church…” –

The “schismatic”, as per excommunication by the Vatican’s Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, Monsignor Carlo Maria Viganò starts once more from his hermitage in Viterbo. From where he still lashes out once morest the leaders of the Church and in particular once morest Pope Francis. The bishop does not retreat an inch and continues to celebrate Mass in his Exsurge Domine foundation. The former nuncio to the United States, via X, lets it be known: «As every first Saturday of the month, today I offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass according to the intentions of the friends and benefactors of the Exsurge Domine Foundation and of all those who have expressed their spiritual and material closeness to me in these times». Monsignor Viganò, whom the Holy Office warned of the risk of defrocking in the decree of excommunication, continues: «I invite everyone to join me in the trusting prayer to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, so that the Lord may grant the Holy Church to triumph once once more over her enemies who today eclipse her and usurp her sacred authority».

Vatican's Hard Line, Viganò Excommunicated: Never Submissive to the Pope

Viganò was punished for “the refusal to recognize and submit to the Supreme Pontiff, to communion with the members of the Church subject to him, and to the legitimacy and magisterial authority of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council,” reads the note released by the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, which excommunicated him. automatic decisionthat is, with immediate effect, as provided for by canon 1364 of canon law, among the most serious and feared by Catholics.

Now Viganò challenges Bergoglio, the sensational gesture following the excommunication

The decision was communicated to the archbishop late yesterday morning. The former Holy Office specified that any removal of the excommunication is “reserved to the Apostolic See”, meaning that only the Pope, in the future, might arrogate to himself the decision to readmit the former nuncio of the Holy See in New York into the communion of the Church. A remote possibility given that Viganò had defined “the accusations made once morest me” as “a reason of honor”. The appeal to the more traditionalist fringes of the Church by the prelate seems to be the sign of a new clash.

#Enemies #Church.. #Tempo
2024-07-09 23:16:18



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