The end of the world will begin in 2025 – Grupo Milenio

Alexandra González

Mexico City / 10.07.2024 15:31:00

My fatherthe Bulgarian mystic known as the “Nostradamus of the Balkans“, left a series of predictions that have fascinated and alarmed many since his death in 1996.

Among his most recent prophecies that have come to light, thanks to The New York Postone particularly disturbing one stands out: the beginning of the end of humanity in 2025.

Baba Vanga predicted a tsunami in Asia in 2024 | Freepik enlarge

Who was Baba Vanga?

Vangeliya Pandeva Gushterova, more like Baba Vanga, She was a Bulgarian clairvoyant who gained notoriety for his alleged powers of extrasensory perception.

Although he lost his sight at an early age, he claimed to have the ability to see the future. His followers maintain that his predictions, transmitted orally to those close to him, include some of the most impactful events of the 20th and 21st centuries, such as:

  • The death of Princess Diana.
  • The Chernobyl nuclear disaster.
  • The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.
  • The election of Barack Obama as President of the United States.

The prediction of the Apocalypse that supposedly begins in 2025

According to recent reports, including in an article in The New York Post, BAbaba Vanga is reported to have predicted that the end of the world will begin in 2025.

Although humanity will not be completely extinct until the year 5079, according to his prediction, the apocalypse It is supposed to be triggered in less than two yearss.

The predictions of Baba Vanga have been the subject of fascination and controversy, However, it is important to note that there are no official records to support all of his prophecies, and many of them have been transmitted orally, making it difficult to verify their authenticity.

Nonetheless, His followers continue to share and debate their visions of the future.

Baba Vanga predictions | MILENIO expand

This would be the chronology of the end of the world, according to Baba Vanga

Below is a chronology of catastrophic events that, according to Baba Vanga, will lead to the end of humanity:

  • 2025: A conflict in Europe will devastate the continent’s population.
  • 2028:Humanity will begin exploring Venus in search of new sources of energy.
  • 2033:The melting of the polar ice caps will significantly raise sea levels.
  • 2076Communism will spread to various countries around the world.
  • 2130: Humans will make contact with extraterrestrial civilizations.
  • 2170: A massive drought will affect much of the planet.
  • 3005: The Earth will go to war with a Martian civilization.
  • 3797: Humans will have to abandon Earth because it will become uninhabitable.
  • 5079: The world will finally come to an end.

In the centuries to come, according to Baba Vanga, lEarth would face natural disasters of great magnitudeinterplanetary wars and the eventual annihilation of human life.

Only time will tell if these disturbing prophecies will come true or remain part of folklore and the legend surrounding this enigmatic figure.

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