In recent years, counterfeit AirPods copycats have continued to run rampant in the market, making it easy for unsuspecting users to buy fake AirPods. Apple added a detection mechanism to identify counterfeit AiPods and AirPods Pro for iOS 16, which can quickly determine the authenticity of AirPods as long as they are connected.
In recent years, it seems that the authenticity of AirPods is becoming more and more difficult to determine from the appearance and function. Due to the continuous improvement of fake AirPods products, it is more difficult to identify the authenticity from automatic pairing, battery indicator light and serial number verification, which also makes Apple ready to add in iOS 16. The function of identifying fake AirPods will make all high imitation and pirated AirPods on the market fully show their original shape, and comprehensively combat pirated and counterfeit products through the iOS security detection mechanism.
According to the latest iOS 16 system file code, as long as an iPhone or iPad device tries to pair with the counterfeit AirPods, a warning prompt will immediately pop up and display “These headphones cannot be verified as genuine AirPods and do not work as expected”, there is also a technical article attached to learn more information that can be used to guide users on how to identify AirPods.
The iOS 16 detection mechanism for fake AirPods will not affect third-party wireless headphones. The main purpose is to identify the mechanism for counterfeit AirPods products, but the function does not seem to completely block counterfeit AirPods headphones, and users can continue to connect and use them.
If you want to buy AirPods products next time, or if you want to hand in second-hand products, you can also directly test the AirPods with the iOS 16 system to identify the authenticity of AirPods and avoid buying fake products. It is still recommended to choose Apple’s official website, Apple Only by purchasing from dealers or brick-and-mortar stores can you avoid buying counterfeit products. You can also refer to “How to identify the authenticity of fake AirPods or high imitation products?Immediately appear through 3 strokes》。
In addition, Apple also launched the new AirPods Pro 2nd generation product at the autumn new product launch conference, using the new H2 chip, which improves sound quality, doubles the noise reduction ability, personalized spatial audio and better battery life. At the same time, the new charging box design also has more A lot of new features, the price in Taiwan is 7,490 yuan, more AirPods Pro 2 highlights can refer to the following lazy bag finishing:
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