The end of the 40 “Misk” program with Maya Diab…and her most frequently discussed statements!

Actress Maya Diab was able to top the most circulated news in the past few days, after two appearances that were well received by the audience, the first from Dubai and the second from Lebanon.

Diab starred on Friday evening at the party she performed for the May Chidiac Foundation to distribute the first MCF Media Awards in Dubai.

And she was able to catch the eye with an elegant look, as she chose a red dress and performed the songs “Laili” and “Welcome” on the stage, in the presence of a large number of artistic and social figures who were honored, and the artist Assi Al-Hillani shared with her singing.

In the closing episode of the 40 program presented by the media, Jessica Azar, on the MTV screen, Maya attended to answer 40 questions with complete frankness, boldness, and honesty, which the audience is accustomed to.

She stated about the possibility of her return to presenting programs, and that in advanced stages of her life she prefers to present a program through which she can interview one guest and discuss with him thorny matters that are considered “taboo” in our societies, but today she chooses to present an artistic program to bring happiness to every home.

Maya did not hide her sadness, so she admitted that there are many things that make her sad in her life, which she prefers not to disclose and is satisfied with appearing in the best way in front of people, because this is what they expect from her.

She spoke proudly and moved about her daughter, “Kay”, who has an independent personality, and said that she wished Kay would not emigrate from Lebanon for any reason. She couldn’t hold back her tears when she spoke about her mother.

Representative Paula Yacoubian had a recorded appearance in which she expressed her love for Maya, who described her as her sister and asked her: “Why does Maya not talk about the good deeds that she does, especially after the explosion of the fourth of August?” The latter replied that she had already announced the distribution of the food she was preparing. In her home, she was attacked, because doing good, in the opinion of some, should not be announced, and Maya concluded, saying: “I announced this to convey to people the infection of help, but I was criticized, and I wish they would do what they did instead of criticizing.”

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Maya also touched on the case that Rima Rahbani filed against her after she presented, in her own way, some of Mrs. Fairouz’s songs on the anniversary of the Beirut port explosion, and described Rima as unemployed and preoccupied with offending others.

During and after the episode, and for the next day, Maya is still on the list of the most discussed topics, after she created a state of controversy with the boldness and frankness of her opinions.

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