▸Fired because he went on strike. The local ANTARSYA welcomes the mass mobilization, which took place on Wednesday March 29 outside the VENETIS bakery at the ISAP station in Neo Heraklion, once morest the retaliatory dismissal of Ms. Anna A. for her participation in the general strikes on March 8 and 16.
As he notes:
The employer at the VENETIS bakery fired Anna A., on Wednesday, March 22, to give the “message” to the rest of the workers regarding what their participation in future strikes will mean.
These practices have the backs of the government and the Hatzidakis Law that wants to crush trade unions and the right to strike. They don’t terrify us, they enrage us!
The mass strike gatherings on March 8 and 16 and yesterday’s local gathering in Heraklion Attica gave the message that if they have the backs of the government, the workers have the unions and the solidarity of the world. Our strength is greater than theirs.

The TE of ANTARSYA in Heraklion will be present in all the mobilizations until the reinstatement of Anna and calls on all the left, the workers, the youth and the mass organizations of Heraklion to stand by her side to give our own message in all directions : hands down from unions and strikes – the law is the worker’s right!