The elites of “Little Paris” praise and resonate with the exquisite traditional values ​​of Shen Yun Art (photo) International Art Troupe Canada News |

2024-04-25 19:56:00

From April 17 to 21, Shen Yun International Performing Arts gave six performances at Place des Arts – Théâtre Maisonneuve in Montreal, Canada, with a successful conclusion. (See photo of Evan from China)

[Regardez la Chine le 26 avril 2024](Watch the full report by Chinese journalist Xiao Ran) April 17 to April 21Shen YunThe six performances of the international artistic troupe at Place des Arts – Théâtre Maisonneuve in Montreal, Canada, ended with a full house. Traditional elites in Montreal, Canada’s art capital, known as “Little Paris,” praised the spectacular show and Shen Yun’s extensive efforts to restore traditional culture.

Elites from all walks of life hail Shen Yun as a masterpiece of art

MontrealThere are many well-informed elites in the film and television industry among the audience.

Former film and literary critic Guy Caumartin said: “It’s a colorful show, the music is beautiful, the spectacle of the live orchestra is like flowing water and it blends perfectly into the classic story performed on stage; better yet, the show brings together The beautiful customs and culture of ancient China are like a history lesson and a music lesson; the use of costumes is rich and diverse and the colors are magnificent; the fusion of all these elements complements each other and is extremely beautiful; , a scene like this. Performing a vocal solo is rare.

Shen Yun’s innovative three-dimensional animated cyclorama was also refreshing for this film critic. “The success of the show accounts for 40% of the performance. This is an extremely important element, which makes the story complete, refreshing and original. The artistic director of Shen Yun is extraordinary, and the arrangement of the entire show is excellent The male host himself He speaks Chinese and is great, and his welcome is perfect.

Film and television actress Christina Sciortino brought her five-year-old daughter to the show. She said: “I shed tears on several occasions. The beauty of Shen Yun moved me and opened my eyes. I have rarely seen such exceptional and superb talents. The professionalism was incredible. Every movement was impeccable, the dancers performed absolutely flawlessly and the performance was spectacular and magnificent. I already want to watch Shen Yun once more for all ages.

Jacques Dussault, vice-president of sales of the transport company: “100% perfect! Dancers have excellent stability. They can stand with one leg in the air, stay still on one leg and these continuous rotations are just perfect. Each dancer’s movements were all in tune and I was completely impressed!

Psychologist Isabel Igreja brought her 86-year-old mother to watch: “These difficult dance techniques are really nice to watch. I especially like the water sleeve dance. The long sleeves move in the air in various postures, making people feel comfortable. physically and mentally.”

Jean Hogue, director of the Alta Yamaska ​​district municipal council, said: “The show is full of poetry and colorful colors. I love her so much.

Nassim Sharara, account director of a major North American marketing company, said: “The show is beautiful, the colors are incredibly bright and full of joy. The dance choreography is very good and the way the dance program is expressed and the way the story is presented is excellent.”

Tami Zaranski, director of finance and administration for the association, praised: “We were lucky to get tickets and the show was magnificent. The timing of the dance on stage and the background dynamics of the canopy were perfect and astonishing.”

Psychologist Réjean Blais said the show far exceeded his expectations: “The vigorous movements of the dancers, the beautiful costumes, the colorful colors and the sweet temperament of the actress are astonishing. The show is delicate and the general harmony is beautiful. Resonate.

Lawyer Stefan Leblanc exclaimed: “The opening scene takes us into a unique world, where the celestial kingdom, the gestures of the dancers, the dance movements, the emotions and the live music are integrated. I really like this scene.

Shen Yun brings people back to the traditional path

The audience was immersed in five thousand years of Chinese history throughout the show. They regretted the loss of traditional culture on the continent, as shown in the show.

Réjean Blais said: “(The show) expresses tender emotions, yes, tenderness, but also compassion and harmonious coexistence. When the host announced that China had now lost its former glory, I felt sad. China has given the world so much beauty. The culture is eye-catching and the loss of such an ancient civilization and tradition is extremely unfortunate.

A vocal piece written by a baritone tells the story of people pursuing the Creator, setting out on the path to God, and returning to the Kingdom of Heaven. She deeply touched people’s hearts.CanadaTony Longo, TD Bank Auto Finance franchise manager in the Montreal region.

“This scene was touching. I think the deep meaning of the song is beyond my understanding at the moment, but I can really feel the suffering of the Chinese people. From the lyrics, I can see what the people experienced in the life, because they want to obtain care and salvation (from the Creator). It is so difficult, and in the West we take these things for granted, but in China, I understand that the situation of believers is very difficult. really feel that this deep emotion is hidden deep in the singer’s heart, but also deep in the heart of the Chinese people, Longo said: “I can understand that the belief in. God brings hope to people. I have seen and felt this. People need hope in their lives. We can see this hope from the beginning to the end of the show. Simple acts of kindness give Chinese people hope in life, which is very important. ”

Former playwright Nancy Nel also said the show highlighted the need for spiritual belief in the world.

Lead lawyer Stefan Leblanc said Shen Yun’s lyrics have deep meaning and remind people of the importance of spiritual beliefs. “Today’s world has strayed from the right path, tradition and divinity. Shen Yun gives us hope. If we can return to the path of respect for heaven and faith in God , our souls will find peace,” he said.

Values ​​like kindness and perseverance resonate

For Montreal audiences, Shen Yun shows are also a baptism of traditional Chinese culture. These small dance dramas that speak to values ​​such as loyalty, perseverance, kindness and faith require no words, but they resonate deeply with audiences.

Iain Scott, law firm partner: “The show gives me hope. The moral education and spiritual overtones throughout the show are truly extraordinary. There is also joy and a clear and powerful moral message. People need to examine their own hearts. Only then can we truly see what is happening in our lives.

“The show conveys the message of justice, generosity and mutual aid. I think these are very good values, which are expressed very well in the show. We must adhere to these values ​​and treat each other well .” , “Shen Yun With a great mission on her shoulders, it is gratifying to see her reviving traditional culture and keeping ancient traditions alive today. The most valuable thing is to give to the younger generation and people of other ethnic groups the opportunity to understand the past way of life and the different arts of self-expression.

The audience all said that they would recommend such a great and wonderful artistic and spiritual festival to everyone.

source:Look at China

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