The Elden Ring DLC ​​would include coliseums, new hairstyles and more

The latest patch 1.07 from Elden Ring is being a gold mine when it comes to leaking new content. If we told you a few days ago how they had found references to ray tracing in the code of this patch, now it seems that it has also helped us to know where future content additions and DLCs can go.

As found in the update code by the Twitter user Dubi’s axeit seems that Elden Ring DLC ​​would include coliseums, new hairstyles and others added as tweaks to all the maps in the game, and of course, brand new maps.

The Elden Ring DLC ​​would include coliseums, new hairstyles and more

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In summary, Sekiro Dubi has explained that the information he has found about the DLC and future content additions for Elden Ring is as follows:

– New hairstyles
– New m20 and m45 audio bank map files (no more info on this)
– New map files, assets and colosseum textures. Textures not working due to missing DLC ​​files
– Lots of subtle map changes, like most divine towers.

Elden Ring is available for Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, PS5 and PC. Although we have not yet received any type of official announcement about the arrival of any type of DLC, it seems that it is only a matter of time.

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