The economist Rodrigo Chaves obtains 52.9% in the elections for the presidency of Costa Rica with 89% of the preliminary count


The economist Rodrigo Chaves leads José María Figueres in the second electoral round for the presidency of Costa Rica, the Electoral Court of said country announced this Sunday.

With 89% of the tables counted, the politician from the Social Democratic Progress Party is in the lead with 52.9%, while his opponent from the National Liberation Party has 47.1%.

The country celebrated this Sunday the second round of the presidential elections following in the first round, held in February, no candidate obtained 40% of the votes necessary for the position.[oestedomingolasegundavueltadelaseleccionespresidencialesdespuésdequeenlaprimerarondacelebradaenfebreroningúncandidatoobtuvierael40%delosvotosnecesariosparaelcargo

The vote count for this second round began at 6:00 pm local time, once the 2,150 polling stations closed.

This weekend 3.5 million Costa Ricans were summoned to the polls.

The elections took place at a time when the Central American country is experiencing an erosion in its welfare economy.

According to a survey by the University of Costa Rica, unemployment and the economy were the biggest concerns of Costa Ricans (29.1% and 17.8%), well above corruption (10.6%), which he splashed Carlos Alvarado, the president who leaves power, and who reduced his popularity to a minimum.

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