“The economic impact of declining mental health on French businesses can no longer be ignored”

2024-08-08 12:31:39

The state of French mental health has never been more worrying. As well as the impact on public health, this silent epidemic is also having very specific impacts on our businesses, public finances and the national economy as a whole. “You must always say what you see: and above all, you must always see what you see, which is more difficult”” said Charles Péguy (our youth). What do we see?

Three quarters of people experience work-related mental health problems, and 70% of people who experience these problems disengage from working life as a result (Ipsos and AXA research, ” Mental Health Report », 2024). Additionally, 44% of employees experience psychological distress, while burnout rates have doubled since 2020 (OpinionWay study by Empreinte humane) Is prevention of psychosocial risks failing? », 2023). Employee mental health disorders are the leading cause of long-term downtime (Teale Employee Mental Health Barometer, 2023) and continue to increase each year.

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According to the National Society of Human Resource Managers, the number of layoffs related to psychological reasons is greater than the number related to physical reasons. Conditions related to anxiety, depression and burnout currently account for almost a quarter of these stops. Among younger workers, the situation is even more worrying: according to a recent study by AXA, the proportion of young workers with long-term arrests for burnout rose sharply between 2019 and 2023.

Management and Prevention

The consequences are there. Absence from work, extended downtime, reduced productivity… the economic impact of declining mental health on French businesses can no longer be ignored. It’s a double penalty for our country, with businesses being penalized and having a direct impact on our public finances. June 14, 2022 Gabriel Attal It was stated during the Senate hearing on the bill to approve the Social Security Account: “If we follow the trends observed in recent years, [les arrêts maladies représenteront] 23 billion euros per year in 2027.

READ ALSO | Article reserved for our subscribers “It’s time to increase prevention and awareness of psychological harm at work”

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With France just downgrading its growth prospects for 2024 and against a backdrop of budget austerity, improving mental health care and prevention appears to be an absolutely urgent issue, both for our public finances and growth and productivity indicators. Back in 2018, the FondaMental Foundation estimated that the annual economic burden associated with mental illness exceeds €170 billion, of which €126 billion is indirect costs due to reduced quality of life and productivity.

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