The EBRD commits 30 million euros to Mediterrania Capital IV – Today Morocco

2023-09-25 09:50:18

Supporting mid-sized businesses in Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt

Investment Through this investment, the EBRD is making its contribution to the resilience of financial markets by supporting private equity as an alternative source of financing in North Africa.

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is committing up to €30 million to the new fund raised by Mediterrania Capital Partners called “Mediterrania Capital IV (MC IV). This new mechanism supports mid-sized companies in Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt. It aims to generate long-term capital gains on equity-related holdings and investments in mid-cap companies in the three aforementioned countries.

Through this investment, the EBRD is making its contribution to the resilience of financial markets by supporting private equity as an alternative source of financing in North Africa. It follows two previous investments by the bank in the Mediterrania Capital funds (MC II) and (MC III). Funds having invested in 15 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and mid-sized companies in Africa over the last ten years generating a cumulative annual turnover of 1.5 billion euros and employing more than 22,000 people.

Through our investments, we aim to help local businesses thrive, promote innovation, catalyze business growth and, most importantly, seek financial returns for the Bank. We are proud that our investments in the funds ultimately improve the quality of life of people in the EBRD regions, says Anne Fossemalle, Director of Private Equity Funds at the EBRD. And to recall that “thanks to its established presence in North Africa, its transactional and operational experience, its strong environmental, social and governance (ESG) processes and its commitment to promoting gender equality, Mediterrania Capital continues to be a key partner for the bank.

For his part, Albert Alsina, founder and CEO of Mediterrania Capital Partners, indicates that the values ​​of the EBRD “fully align with our objectives as a private equity firm which seeks to offer high returns to our investors and partners while helping businesses grow and lay the right foundations for the future. In detail, MC IV aims to invest up to €350 million in African companies to help them reach their full operational potential and generate financial returns for investors.

It should be noted that Mediterrania Capital’s funds target mid-sized companies operating in sectors crucial to fostering development, including education, financial services, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, construction and goods. basic consumption.

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