Mrs. Kerameos, responding to a related question, reveals that she will file legislation, which provides that “as the annual pension increases, the threshold of each level of the Pensioners’ Solidarity Contribution will increase accordingly, in order for them to fully benefit from the increase the pensioners”.
Based on the minister’s answer and with an increase of 2.5%, the EAS of the first scale will be imposed from 1,435 euros (instead of 1,400 euros), of the second from 1,742.5 euros (instead of 1,700 euros), of the third scale from 2,050 euros (instead of 2,000 euros) and so on.
With the new indexed scale, a pensioner who will go from 1,395 euros to 1,429.87 euros with the increase he will receive in December, is completely exempt from EAS, while, if the scale had not changed, he would have had a reservation of 29.87 euros . Accordingly, a pensioner who receives a pension of 1,680 euros and with the increase would be 1,722 euros will remain in the 3% reservation, while without the change of the scale he would pay 6%.
Mrs. Kerameos emphasizes that the new mechanism for the minimum wage can also lead to higher increases.
Asked about the pensioners’ retrospectives in view of the decision of the AED, she answers laconically that she will take a position on its implementation after it is issued.
Madam Minister, given that the economy is growing at a higher rate and unemployment is falling, is it possible that in 2027 we will see the minimum wage above 950 euros?
It is a fact that after some time, the course of our economy is steadily upward and this is reflected both in the growth indicators and in the indicators concerning employment. When we assumed the government of the country in 2019, unemployment was at 18%, while this year, according to the officially confirmed data of ELSTAT, it has fallen below 10% for the first time, at 9.5%. The positive economic data has allowed the very significant increase in the minimum wage, from 650 euros in 2019 to 830 today, with Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis having presented the “road map” that will be implemented for annual increases, so that in 2027 the minimum wage to reach 950 euros, increased by 46% compared to 2019.
Could the new minimum wage mechanism lead to bigger increases than those given so far? And how do you plan to boost the purchasing power of low-wage earners, given that they are hit hardest by accuracy?
In its conclusion, the Commission proposes specific phases of gradual implementation of the new proposed procedure, with the application of the mathematical formula especially from 2028. This mathematical formula, according to which the minimum wage will be determined, will take into account objective economic data, such as it occurs in eight other European countries. The proposed model takes into account inflation, but also productivity growth as a whole. In fact, the Commission proposes to use a new index that will calculate inflation specifically for the bottom 20% of household income categories with an adjusted “basket” to calculate accuracy. It should be noted that this bottom 20% income bracket spends roughly 55% of their income on food, shelter and energy (while the highest income bracket spends a lower percentage of their income), so the adjusted index for the top 20% would imply even more salary increase.
The goal is for the minimum wage to support workers. So, yes, the new mechanism will be able to lead to even bigger increases than those given so far, if we have high prices and high productivity. At this point, let me repeat that, according to the plans, the salary can only increase, since, even in the case of unfavorable economic data, it will not decrease. Well, what we are discussing is how much and how the minimum wage will increase from 2028, based on 950 euros.
The issue of retroactive pensions is open to the government, as a decision by the AED is awaited. In the event that the decision is positive for the pensioners, will the retroactive benefits only be received by those who claim them through lawsuits or are entitled to them and those who did not appeal, believing that they did not need to sue for cuts that were found unconstitutional?
Since the decision of the Supreme Special Court has not yet been issued, you understand that any position on its implementation would be out of place on my part.
What will you do with retirees who still have a large personal difference and will have to wait up to five years or more to clear it? Are you possibly considering a “haircut” of the personal difference so that it drops to zero more quickly?
The personal difference arose for a portion of pensioners, after the application of the Katrougalou law and the recalculation of their pensions, so that they would not suffer a sharp reduction in their standard of living. On the contrary, the new pensioners received their pensions directly reduced under the same law, i.e. they are in a disadvantageous position compared to pensioners with a personal difference.
The personal difference, as you know, is gradually being eliminated with the increase in pensions, but also through the application of the provisions of Law 4670/2020 for the increase of the replacement rates of those with an insurance life of more than thirty years. Already for a large number of pensioners the personal difference has been reduced to zero and they normally receive an increase in their pension.
In any case, the government tries and finds ways to support pensioners with a personal difference. In this context, as the prime minister announced at the TIF, pensioners with a personal difference and a pension of up to 1,600 euros will receive an extraordinary financial aid of 100-200 euros this year in December, as happened last year.
The government keeps its commitment and returns to society as a “social dividend” the benefit of the positive fiscal results. Already, with the application of the mechanism that links the increase in pensions to the increase in GDP and the evolution of the price index, pensions, after 12 years, will have increased by almost 13% in the years 2023 to 2025.
The Pensioner Solidarity Levy is unfair and many pensioners will have their pension cut, despite the increase they will get in 2025. What changes do you plan to make so that in December there are no pensioners with a zero increase or, even worse, a reduction in their pensions ;
With a legislative provision that we are filing with the Deputy Minister Mr. Tsakloglou and the Ministry of Finance in the coming days, we will correct the distortion you refer to.
In fact, in recent years when we have been increasing pensions, the oxymoron phenomenon has been observed in cases where the increase in the pension leads the pensioner to a different tier, to eventually have a reduction.
The architecture of the provision that we are planning foresees that as the pension increases per year, the threshold of each scale of the Pensioner Solidarity Contribution will correspondingly increase, so that no one has a reduction and they fully benefit from the increase.
“Populism contest from the parties of the Far Right»
How concerned are you by the rise of parties that move to the right of the N.D. and what do you think should be the strategic direction to take to curb it?
The attempt to revive populism is problematic, and indeed with characteristics that are often more intense than those that nearly led us down roads of no return, just a few years ago. It is true that the parties of the Far Right try to outdo each other in populist approaches, but the problem is wider. New Democracy has been consistently and successfully fighting against populism for years now and we must insist, without retreating, on the strategic direction we are following, strengthening even more the effectiveness of our interventions concerning everyday life. Populism is faced with responsibility, honesty, insistence on changing what holds us back. By steadily strengthening the position and the deterrent capacity of our country. With measures that increase income and improve the quality of life for everyone. HH
EAS reservation | Current pension scale | New pension scale |
3% | 1.400-1.700€ | 1.435-1.742,5€ |
6% | 1.700-2.000€ | 1.742,5-2.050€ |
7% | 2.000-2.300€ | 2.050-2.357,5€ |
9% | 2.300-2.600€ | 2.357,5-2.665€ |
10% | 2.600-2.900€ | 2.665-2.972,5€ |
12% | 2.900-3.200€ | 2.972,5-3.280€ |
13% | 3.200-3.500€ | 3.280-3.587,5€ |
14% | €3,500 and above | €3,587.5 and above |
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#EAS #scales #pensions #changing
The code snippet you provided is a part of a JavaScript script that seems to integrate various advertising and user engagement tools on a webpage. Here’s a breakdown of what the different parts do and some suggestions for completing the missing parts:
### Breakdown of the Code Snippet:
1. **Ad Removal**:
– The first part checks if certain elements (likely advertisements) are present and removes them if conditions are met:
document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsense-for-mobile’).forEach(function(e) {
2. **AdSense Slot Check**:
– It checks if there are any Google AdSense slots on the page, which should have been initialized earlier:
const adSenseSlots = document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsbygoogle’);
const adSenseSlotCount = adSenseSlots.length;
3. **Adman Integration**:
– A queue is initialized for Adman, a service likely used for advertisement management:
window.AdmanQueue = window.AdmanQueue || [];
AdmanQueue.push(function() {
Adman.adunit({ id: 338, h: … });
4. **OneSignal Notification Initialization**:
– The script initializes OneSignal for push notifications:
window.OneSignalDeferred.push(function(OneSignal) {
OneSignal.init({ appId: “487cc53b-3b66-4f84-8803-3a3a133043ab” });
5. **Disqus Setup**:
– Sets up Disqus for comments with a unique identifier for the page:
var disqus_config = function() { = …; // URL to be added here = 1552198;
6. **Loading External Scripts Asynchronously**:
– There are functions for loading external scripts asynchronously using a custom `asyncLoadScript` function. Many parts are left incomplete (e.g., URLs):
asyncLoadScript(‘…’); // URLs or identifiers need to be specified
7. **Other Ad Networks**:
– Comments indicate potential integration with other ad networks (e.g., CleverCore, Taboola, Glomex, Dalecta) which need their respective scripts and parameters filled in.
### Suggestions to Complete the Code:
1. **Fill in Missing URLs**:
– Wherever you see placeholders like `…`, you should replace them with the actual URLs or parameters specific to your ad service.
2. **Ensure Async Script Loading**:
– The `asyncLoadScript` and `asyncLoadModule` functions should be properly defined elsewhere in your code to handle loading of the scripts asynchronously.
3. **Error Handling**:
– Consider adding error handling for the loading process, in case scripts fail to load.
4. **Review Compatibility**:
– Ensure the integration with various ad services is compatible with your website’s structure and intended user experience.
5. **Test the Implementation**:
– Once the code is completed, thoroughly test on different devices and browsers to ensure the ads and notifications appear as intended.
6. **Maintain Performance**:
– Keep an eye on performance metrics when adding multiple scripts, as they can slow down page loading times. You might want to consider lazy loading for non-critical scripts.
By completing the placeholders and ensuring all functions are correctly defined and tested, you will effectively integrate these various advertising and user engagement systems into your web application.