The DYPA unemployment benefit is changing 2024-02-22 17:34:33

As he said, “the reason why the unemployment benefit is provided is so that the standard of living of the one who receives it is not significantly reduced. At the moment, in Greece, regardless of the contributions that have been paid, the unemployment benefit is fixed throughout the period of time in which it is paid. What is being considered, but not yet implemented, is to do two things: initially, the unemployment benefit should start at a higher level, but, as time goes by, be reduced so as to give the recipient an incentive to find, as early as possible, some work.’

When asked regarding the minimum wage, Mr. Tsakloglou answered the following: “For the minimum wage there is a specific institutionalized procedure.

Both the minimum wage and wages in general are related to productivity. It is important to ensure a standard of living as high as possible for workers, without on the other hand causing any damage to the competitiveness of the economy, which would increase unemployment.

Since the government took over, there has been a 20% increase in the minimum wage, from €650 to €780 and it will increase further now.”

At the same time, the Deputy Minister of Labor described as possible the goal that the government has set for a minimum wage of 950 euros and an average wage of 1,500 euros at the end of the four years. As he characteristically mentioned, the economy of our country shows a dynamic in recent years, contrary to what is happening with most countries of the European Union, which, according to all international organizations, as well as international houses, seems to continue .

With reference to the debts of the insured who are at the stage of retirement, Mr. Tsakloglou clarified that the provision concerns only freelancers and farmers, as there is no corresponding problem for employees.

As he pointed out, “the current legislation, until recently, provided that someone might retire if they had debts of up to 20,000 euros and deductions were made from the pension in 60 equal installments.

With the new provision, the opportunity is also provided to people who have a debt of up to 30,000 euros to normally apply for a pension under two conditions: firstly, that they have paid contributions for at least 20 years and secondly that they are not systematic defaulters, i.e. checking if in fact, their bank deposits are such that they are not sufficient to cover their debt to EFKA.

It is recalled that, with the previous regime, the specific retirees did not receive a pension, while it is important to underline that a distribution system, such as our country’s, in which the payment of pensions is made from the contributions paid by the employees, cannot survive, without their payment”.

Among other things, the Deputy Minister of Labor spoke regarding the medical care of those who have debts to EFKA, clarifying that no AMKA holder is excluded from medical care.

“Before the memoranda, if someone was uninsured, they had to pay for any medical coverage themselves. In the years of the memorandums, with Adonis Georgiadis as Minister of Health, the following was established – anyone with AMKA who has paid or not paid their current insurance contributions can have access to public health facilities. This legislation is still valid today, so no one is left without medical and hospital care.

Also, when the insured person pays his contributions regularly, as is currently the case for all employees, but also for the majority of freelancers, he can also have access to private doctors under the terms of the EOPYY.

In the period of Covid, we did not want people to go to public hospitals, so as not to fuel the pandemic. That is why we gave the uninsured the right to go to private doctors as well. The danger of Covid today is gone, so we are back to normal.

The aim of the ministry is to protect two vulnerable groups, children and people with disabilities, regardless of the insurance capacity of the parent, while there are also some smaller groups, the largest of which are the flood victims of the previous year, who will also have access and to private doctors regardless of the payment of insurance contributions” added Mr. Tsakloglou.

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#DYPA #unemployment #benefit #changing



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