The dual policy of the state Independent Urdu

The state of Pakistan is already facing internal and external challenges, while its political, economic and social problems are also getting serious, but instead of addressing these problems, the state is taking steps that are internal. and are causing embarrassment to the country externally.

Movement for Pakistan By the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Qazi Faizaisa The highly inflammatory statements against Pakistan have badly affected the image of Pakistan. It’s not just about rhetoric, this organization had completely paralyzed Islamabad just a few days ago and the state was left reeling.

The police showed some movement on the statements against the Chief Justice, but overall it seems that the organization does not listen to anyone. Sometimes it threatens the judiciary, sometimes issues fatwas against politicians, sometimes attacks minorities and sometimes openly challenges the state.

But the state which has slapped him with notes in the past is unable to take concrete steps against him and every time it backs down after being blackmailed by him.

The situation is that now this extremist organization tries to dictate the internal and external policy of the country, but there is no earthquake in the government and state houses.

But on the other hand, the state is trying to stop the peaceful protests on the burgeoning problems of Balochistan by using unrelenting force. We do not see even the slightest reflection of such power against extremist organizations.

It is surprising that the human rights activists in Balochistan Missing persons And bring the government’s attention to other problems, they also come under scrutiny.

This section contains related reference points (Related Nodes field).

The Sindh government recently detained Human Rights Commission of Pakistan Chairperson Asad Butt. Such actions are an embarrassment to the state because in the civilized world a human rights activist is valued everywhere.

It seems that the state has detained him to intimidate, threaten and send a message to other human rights organizations that if Asad Butt can be caught, you are not far from our grasp. .

Asad Butt told Independent Urdu that instead of telling them what their crime was, the police kept asking them about their children and pressuring them to tell where they were. Asad Butt said, ‘Such questions were simply meant to intimidate me. This is a clear message that if I do not give up my struggle, my children may be harmed.’

Another move by the state that many anti-Pakistani elements, including India, can push is the blasphemy case against Tawqir Geelani, head of the Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front in Pakistan-administered Kashmir.

Dr. Tauqeer Geelani is the right-hand man of JKLF Chairman Yasin Malik and is highly regarded in Kashmiri circles. He was at the forefront of the recent subsidy movement in Kashmir and it is being claimed in the disputed region that the state has mobilized against him on the basis of playing a key role in the movement.

It is true that some sentences were uttered during a speech by Dr. Tauqeer Gilani which should not have been uttered but he immediately apologized in writing and through a video message saying that those sentences were mistaken. They are paid by their language.

But despite this explanation, the religious elements, who are considered close to the state, have started a hate campaign against Tawqir Gilani, which has not only affected his political activities but also posed serious threats to his life. have gone

Kashmiris living all over the world are very worried about this case because killing people in the name of blasphemy has unfortunately become a trend in Pakistan.

The government should talk to all the political activists including the angry people of Balochistan who respect the constitution of the state to solve the internal problems of the country.

Such a case against a political leader who is popular in Indian and Pakistani Kashmir and enjoys massive public support is very sad and dangerous.

Chairman of Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front Yasin Malik is serving time in Indian jail for his struggle. In such a case, if there is any harm to Tawqir Geelani, it will not only cause irreparable damage to the struggle of Kashmiris but also increase the distance between Pakistan and Kashmiris while India can also benefit from this situation.

It is necessary that if the government wants to avoid further embarrassment at the international level, it should talk to all political activists, including the angry people of Balochistan, who respect the constitution of the state, to solve the internal problems of the country. And want the implementation of the Eighth Amendment.

The state should strictly avoid such actions which are considered against human rights and due to which the country will face difficulties at the diplomatic and international level. Harassment of human rights workers should be stopped and those elements who are involved in harassing other human rights workers including Asad Butt should be held accountable.

The decision of the Supreme Court regarding minorities can improve the image of Pakistan. This decision should be strongly defended and strong action should be taken against those elements who are spreading religious hatred based on this decision.

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf And the news of talks between powerful state institutions is positive. Talk to all political forces including Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, MQM London, angry Baloch political activists and Pashtun Tahafuz Movement.

In order to establish political stability in the country, the state should gather everyone on one platform so that due to political stability, economic stability will come in the country and we will move towards solving the problems of the people.

Note: This article is based on the personal opinion of the columnist, with which Independent Urdu does not have to agree.

#dual #policy #state #Independent #Urdu
2024-08-04 06:16:58



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