The Bello firefighters had to deal with a very complex situation on the followingnoon of August 3. It happened in the Camacol neighborhood when a taxi lost control and crashed into other vehicles. But the truly distressing situation began when the taxi caught fire.
The flames consumed the vehicle and affected other vehicles. The most serious, however, is that the driver suffered third-degree injuries and, according to firefighters, 80% of his body was left with burns.
Although two other vehicles were also victims of the flames, the damage was minor.
The taxi, on the other hand, was completely burned. In several videos uploaded to social networks, the moment in which the vehicle was absorbed by the fire was recorded. The fire consumed the car before the eyes of all, who might do nothing before the voracity.
Bellanitas authorities reported that the driver is in a very serious state of health and is being treated at the North Clinic.
Although the causes that led to the driver losing control are not known, the authorities make a call to be constantly attentive to the mechanical and electrical state of the cars.