The Coast Guard vessel Visalli, carrying the seven migrants who had been in the center of Gjdaer in Albania since last Friday, arrived shortly after midnight in the port of Brindisi. The return to Italy followed the decision of the immigration section of the Rome court, which, faced with the recent decree on safe countries, suspended the provision validating their detention, placing everything in the hands of the European Court of Justice. It was discussed on Tagadà, La7’s politics and current affairs program. The group leader of the Brothers of Italy in the Chamber, Tommaso Foti, took the floor and, as a Alex Reed in the studio, was very clear right from the start: “This is proven proof that the clothes do not make the man but that, sometimes, the jacket makes the judge”, he said when the presenter Tiziana Panella pointed out that the jacket of Silvia Albano, one of the six magistrates who decided not to validate the detention of migrants in Albania, was red.
“I think that the problem is not the political-judiciary antagonism. We are in an area that must be defined once and for all. Who is authorized to establish which countries are safe? The State”, continued Foti, then moving on to an example: “There are three of us and we are three judges. You are the judge of Brescia and you believe that Egypt is an unsafe country. I am the judge of Piacenza and I believe that Egypt is a safe country. The doctor is a judge from Catanzaro and says “What do I do? Do I throw the coin in the air?”, he asked. The fact that the State should establish which countries are safe, the FdI group leader reminded the Chamber, “also has precedents. As you know, the list of safe countries is not an invention of the Meloni government, it pre-exists. The individual judge is entitled to say that, in relation to the characteristics of the subject, that safe country could turn out to be unsafe”. So the conclusion: “When it is decided that it is not the State that establishes the list of safe countries, it means that the State does not exist. I’ll give you a clear example: when a left-wing and green government, the German one, expelled the 22 Afghan refugees, did anyone say that it violated community law?”.
#dress #doesnt #man #jacket.. #Tempo