The dream of former Vinotintos to train future Venezuelan footballers

  • Six former Vinotinto players will become coaches to offer their knowledge and football techniques in seven cities in Venezuela

Camp 318 Performance will arrive in Venezuela on its “Returning to our roots” tour starting on August 26 to provide soccer knowledge to children and adolescents between 6 and 17 years of age from the hand of recognized former players of the Vinotinto.

The director of Sports Capital, Luis Miguel Colmenares, revealed in an interview for The Diary that the idea of ​​bringing the camp to the country arose in parallel with the organization of the farewell match of Juan Arango as a Venezuelan professional footballer.

“In a meeting between the 318 team and Sports Capital, we were discussing the feasibility of organizing several meetings in different cities of the country, so that Juan Arango could meet and say goodbye to the fans in the country. We all liked the idea, however, it was a challenge, the issue of costs and logistics,” said Colmenares.

Former Venezuelan footballer José Manuel Rey proposed touring the country and thus began the design of the plan that gradually attracted people interested in participating.

“José Manuel said ‘I would like to be able to see the kids, train them, that it would be something more than contributing to the youth, for me it would be like returning to our roots’. At that moment, we all looked at him and said ‘this is the best thing you’ve ever said, let’s do it’. We laughed because the idea was overwhelming, we all loved the message, so from there the idea was born,” added the director of Sports Capital.

In addition to José Manuel Rey, the project will include former Venezuelan footballers Juan Arango, Alejandro “Lobo” Guerra, Renny Vega, Layneker Zafra and Nehomar Matías as coaches.

Foto: @318performance

Participants in the “Returning to our roots” tour” From Camp 318, you will be able to learn new techniques in the first camp specialized in “forming vinotintos, created by vinotintos.”

Camp 318 Performance is the name of the company that Arango and Rey have together in Miami (United States), with which they carry out a project that includes an academy to promote the practice of football in southern Florida. The number refers to the numbers worn by both former players, 3 and 18, on their Vinotinto shirts.

How to participate in Camp 318 Performance?

Through the TicketMundo websiteThose interested can reserve their spot to be part of this sporting experience that consists of 2 and a half hours of intensive training per day for 5 days in each city in the country.

In addition to on-field techniques, participants will be taught how to use innovative technology on their uniforms, such as Oliver’s GPS brand, which enables performance statistics to be tracked and analyzed.

At the end of the camp, each participating child or adolescent will receive a certificate of attendance endorsed by the Venezuelan Football Federation (FVF) and the opportunity to be part of a national team.

“We have enough relationships at a national and international level so, depending on the call that we have, we are even evaluating organizing a selection to open the possibility for them to try out in a team in the FUTVE League,” said Luis Miguel Colmenares for The Diary.

Camp 318 Performance: the dream of former Vinotintos to train future Venezuelan footballers
Foto: @318performance

Tour Objectives Returning to our roots

The camp in Venezuela includes introductory talks, warm-up exercises, group division by coach and techniques such as ball control, passing and shooting in which the coaches will evaluate the participants to make corrections and provide advice to improve their performance.

“Initially, 318 is a technical training academy, which is what the camp is focused on, but it will also go hand in hand with the use of measurement technology for athletes, which will be implemented through Oliver Sports devices. These are GPS devices designed especially for the lower categories, they are easy to acquire, use and have an affordable price,” explained the director of Sports Capital.

He added that this technology will allow participants to have a complete report of their sporting performance in each session. In addition, they will seek to transmit the knowledge and experiences of the players.

“Not only will children and teenagers benefit from these camps, but we also hope to extend the experience to teachers, parents and other interested parties through discussions that we will hold in the cities where former Vinotinto players will be able to share their knowledge on and off the field,” Colmenares said.

Camp 318 Performance: the dream of former Vinotintos to train future Venezuelan footballers
Foto: @318performance

Vinotinto cities and coaches

In developing the plan to bring Camp 318 Performance to Venezuela, everyone involved was “totally” willing to reach seven cities in the country: Caracas, Valencia, Maracay, Puerto La Cruz, Maracaibo, Barquisimeto and Barinas.

In the case of Maracaibo, the director of Sports Capital stressed that it was not initially planned, in fact, the original idea was to do it in three cities.

“Maracaibo is an emblematic case because we had not planned to go, but the businessman Alexander Barboza insisted on taking the camp to the city of Zulia. Just like him, other people appeared interested in taking the project to their cities,” revealed Colmenares.

The organizing team, the former Vinotintos and the rest of those involved were passionate about the idea of ​​imagining reaching the cities, sharing with the people and training the children in this sporting discipline.

“This group of ex-vinotintos lived many experiences together, some have known each other since they were children, they are relatives, so, it is really a very beautiful mystique what there is around the project since it began,” added the interviewee for The Diary.

Camp 318 Performance: the dream of former Vinotintos to train future Venezuelan footballers
Foto: @318performance

He added that this is not just any group of players, as the leadership of Juan Arango and Jose Manuel Rey goes beyond their role as captains of the team because they are “very loved and respected” people.

He also highlighted the experience and sporting legacy of Alejandro “El Lobo” Guerra, Nehomar Matías, Layneker Zafra and Renny Vega who contribute their knowledge for the benefit of the children and young people who participate in the camp.

Tour prices and dates

The cost of a basic camp is $250, which includes a uniform (shirt, shorts and socks), a bag, hydration and snacks for the five days of the plan.

There are also other options with extras:

– Camp plus second uniform: $285 plus tax

– Camp plus GPS Oliver: $400 plus tax

– Camp with Oliver GPS and a second uniform: $420 plus tax

The Back to Our Camp Roots Tour will run in all cities from 9:00am to 11:30am.

Camp 318 Performance: the dream of former Vinotintos to train future Venezuelan footballers

The first camp will be held in Valencia, Carabobo state, from August 26 to August 30 at the Misael Delgado stadium.

In Caracas, the tournament will take place at the La Guacamaya stadium in Las Mercedes from September 2 to 6, while in Maracay, Aragua state, it will take place at the Hermanos Ghersi Páez Olympic Stadium from September 9 to 13.

The camp will arrive at the Vinotinto City in Puerto La Cruz, Anzoátegui state, on September 16 and will say goodbye to this city on the 21st of that month.

The Pachencho Romero Olympic Stadium in Maracaibo will be the training site from September 23 to 27.

Participants from Barquisimeto, Lara state, will meet at the Farid Richa stadium from September 30 to October 4; while in Barinas, the venue will be the sports headquarters of the national team Zamora Fútbol Club from October 7 to 11.

Meaning of the name “Going back to our roots

For the director of Sports Capital, the meaning is “very deep for everyone”, since imagining touring cities and courts that remind us of childhood, youth and moments as professionals of the Vinotintos, is something that Colmenares said “generates nostalgia and at the same time excitement”.

“Imagining that we are contributing to the development of youth football and contributing our bit with our knowledge is something that excites us. In addition, we have found great receptivity from all those involved, the FVF, the FUTVE League, businessmen, brands, representatives, children, government entities,” Colmenares said.

He added that it is satisfying to see that what emerged as a spontaneous idea in a conversation between partners and friends is materializing with the support of many who have become a great team.

Photo: @Bravosports

Role of sponsors in the tour of Venezuela

The director of Sports Capital highlighted in the interview for The Diary the importance of sponsorships on the tour of Venezuela, despite the complications.

“There are always people willing to invest and promote sport, especially in a project with an integrative and long-term vision. For this reason, we invited a group of brands, not as typical sponsors, but as strategic allies who have been involved and worked shoulder to shoulder with us to bring the camp forward,” said Colmenares.

He also explained that they are not only working with 100% Venezuelan brands, but also with others that believe in the country.

“RS is a company that has significantly increased its presence in national sports. They are providing everything related to sports clothing and equipment. Its owners and employees have literally put their trust in the project and have been constantly working with us on its development since the first meeting,” said the Sports Capital director.

Salvatore Volpe, one of the owners of the RS brand, highlighted that the greatest motivation for collaborating with the camps is “love for Venezuela.”

“RS is a sports brand born and made in Venezuela for Venezuelans, beyond the fact that we are in three countries, this forces us to participate in any initiative that benefits the development of our youth and if it is about football and legends even more so,” said Volpe. The Diary.

Foto: @318performance

The brand was responsible for creating the uniforms with avant-garde designs and manufactured with Venezuelan labor, which also generated employment.

“RS will be willing to do its part in everything that involves the development of our youth in sport,” said the founder of RS.

They also have the support of the Lidotel hotel chain in Caracas, Valencia and Barquisimeto, for the logistics requirements they have presented. In Barinas they have the support of Eurobuilding and in Maracay of the Marriott Hotel, which complement the support to accommodate the work team.

“For transportation within the national territory we are counting on the Marca País Venezuela, who were convinced before visiting them that sport and specifically Venezuelan athletes are natural representatives of our identity,” said Colmenares.

Other sponsors include Vida by Furia, which joined the project to contribute to the promotion of the country’s tourist destinations, while hydration for the athletes will be provided by Gatorade. They also have other local sponsors who wanted to contribute to the 318 Performance camp on their Returning to our Roots tour in Venezuela.

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#dream #Vinotintos #train #future #Venezuelan #footballers
2024-08-21 01:34:31



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