the drama that will continue for months for Neuquén

2023-06-30 16:42:15

The storm first and the flood of the river, later, left hundreds of people affected among evacuees, self-evacuated and those who remain in their homes for fear of robbery. The Neuquén River will continue high downstream of the reservoirs in order to drain them and make room for new rainfall, so many neighborhoods will continue to be flooded. In the places that did drop, such as Sauzal Bonito, it did not fully withdraw and there are arrangements that will take months.

Last night, the director of Civil Defense of Neuquén, Martín Giusti, reported that some 50 people have officially been evacuated. This morning, from the Province it was indicated that 30 had returned to their homes, while 16 were still in the Vista Alegre center and four in the Centenario center.

In both towns, residents have given interviews in local and radio media to tell that they stay in their houses even if they are flooded for fear of robbery. Ernesto, a resident of Vista Alegre Norte, told AM550 that a neighbor’s house was robbed following he was evacuated.

The reality is that there have not been, in general, cases of this type, but the possibility of it happening puts many people at risk of staying even if it is dangerous. It is what It also happens in San Patricio del Chañar, where the water that was 300 meters away now reaches the door. In some cases they did move their animals.

The acemost serious situation that lives these days is that of the neighbors who are near the Centennial Bridge – Cinco Saltoswhere Giusti himself told that there were families stationed on the sides of the route.

The municipality of Centenario reported that, last night, they joined forces with the Army, Red Cross and firefighters volunteers to bring him drinking water and hot food to the residents of the Villa Obrera neighborhood. In addition, containments were built and earth was taken to the lowest areas.

After the flood and storm, a drama that will last for months in Neuquén

In it north of Neuquén, the repair work continues following the passage of the storm and by the rise of the arms of the river. Giusti explained to AM550 that they are still repairing roads and receiving requests for assistance. In addition, he said that they had problems with a gas pipeline that crosses the Nahueve and that almost caused the supply to be cut off in the area.

Yes ok new precipitation is expectedthe estimates are that they might become snow and remain accumulated, so they would not generate an additional contribution to the reservoirs.

In this context, in addition to the most urgent situations, such as the distribution of drinking water and that classes or care resume in public organizations those that will take the longest are added. This is the example of Pichi Neuquén, whose main walkway was demolished by water and the residents will have to cross in a box until the winter passes with its inclement weather.

In beautiful willowLorena Salazar, one of the neighbors, described that the river water went down, but not quite. Some houses are already beginning to be cleaned, while a family has settled in a tent further up the land, waiting to be able to return to their home. Also, she explained that the elderly were transferred to Cutral Co.

To provide water to the town, a well was drilled, although they estimate that the arrangements will take five months. The heating is being resolved with the distribution of firewood and jugs.

#drama #continue #months #Neuquén



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