Firefighters have determined that the fire originated from an electric heater located in the bedroom of one of the floors.
New York Mayor lowers death toll from 19 to 17, including eight children
New York authorities believe that a door that was not closed properly due to “lack of maintenance” spread the fire that broke out in a building housing in the borough of the Bronx yesterday Sunday. The accident caused the death of 17 people, including eight children, a figure lower than that provided yesterday, of 19 deaths. The a Many of the residents at Twin Parks North West are from the Gambian community.
The mayor of the city, Eric Adams, who has been in office for just over a week, has said on the ‘Good Morning America’ program that the main door that gives access to the building was open when the fire started and that the current of air that was generated might be the cause that fire and smoke spread through the building. Entrance doors to apartment buildings should close automatically to prevent the flames from spreading rapidly in the event of a fire. “There may have been a maintenance issue with this door. It is being investigated,” Adams said.
Electric heater
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In addition to the fatalities, some 60 people were injured in the fire, of which 32 were hospitalized in serious condition. Firefighters have determined that the fire originated in an electric heater located in the bedroom on one of the floors. In the extinction and rescue of the people of the property more than 200 firefighters participateds. “Many of them ran out of oxygen in their tanks, but still, instead of backing up and out of the building, they made their way through the smoke,” explained Adams.
It is the second fire with fatalities in a residential complex in the United States in less than a week. Last Wednesday, twelve people, including eight children, were killed when flames tore through a public housing property in Philadelphia.