the draft ratification will not be transmitted to the Assembly before the European elections

2024-03-26 20:05:35

The draft ratification of CETA, a free trade treaty between the European Union (EU) and Canada provisionally applied, will not be transmitted to the National Assembly before the European elections, announced the Minister for Foreign Trade, Franck Riester, Tuesday March 26.

On March 21, thanks to a convenient left-right alliance, the Senate opposed the ratification of the treaty, an embarrassing disappointment for the executive on the road to the European elections. In the process, the communist deputies announced their intention to include the text in their reserved parliamentary time – their « niche » scheduled for May 30 in the Assembly – ten days before the European elections, but the government seemed to want to procrastinate in placing the text on the Assembly table.

Tuesday, in an interview with FigaroFranck Riester announces that “the bill will be transmitted when the time comes, but not before the European elections, because this subject requires time for peaceful debate”. “We do not want, as we saw in the Senate, for certain opposition groups to exploit this legitimate debate for electoral purposes”summarizes the minister.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers CETA: in the Senate, the left and right oppositions inflict a setback on the government

“Political shenanigans”

According to him, “the unnatural alliance in the Senate between the communist group and some of the LR senators [Les Républicains] is not only a political shenanigan, but also a bad blow inflicted on our businesses, our farmers and wine growers, our cheese producers, and all those who work in French companies exporting to Canada”.

Questioned by the daily about the fear of“to be in return accused of electoral calculation”Franck Riester responds in the negative and believes that “everyone will be able to continue to express themselves during the campaign on trade”.

The CETA agreement, which eliminates most of the customs duties between the European Union and Canada, “is good for France. When they are unfavorable, like the one with Mercosur, we oppose them”he adds.

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In the event of rejection by the National Assembly, the equation would then become very complex for the government: either it notifies Brussels that it cannot ratify the treaty and this would result in the end of its provisional application for all of Europe; or he procrastinates, at the risk of attracting the wrath of the opposition, who will cry out for democratic denial.

Read the decryption | CETA: understand everything about the controversial trade agreement between the EU and Canada before a crucial vote this afternoon in the Senate

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