“The Dog Poop Attack” wins this year’s 3sat prize

“The Dog Poop Attack” wins this year’s 3sat prize

2024-03-28 12:03:30

It was the theater scandal of last year: The now fired ballet director of the Hanover State Opera, Marco Goecke, smeared dog feces on a newspaper critic in the theater foyer in February 2023. The Theaterhaus Jena took the scandal as an opportunity to create the play “The Dog Poop Attack” and thus secured the 3sat Prize worth 10,000 euros at this year’s Berlin Theatertreffen, as was announced in a broadcast on Thursday.

“Ruthless, funny and clever. ‘The Dog Poop Attack’ is a text that skilfully plays with facts and fiction, that questions, satirizes and exposes clichés, that deals with injured artists’ souls, actors’ vanities, critics’ high-handedness and presumably private matters “and repeatedly reveals the ensemble’s – supposed – helplessness,” said the jury. It is a “multi-layered, pseudo-documentary text regarding the creation of a piece, based on a true event, and at the same time a wonderfully hooky mystery.” The award goes to Pina Bergemann, Nikita Buldyrski, Henrike Commichau, Linde Dercon, Leon Pfannenmüller, Anna K. Seidel, Walter Bart (director) and Hannah Baumann (dramaturgy) for the collective authorship of the piece.

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