The Documentary Film Revealing Zionists’ Plan of Seizing Ambitions in Sinai and Expulsion of Palestinians

2023-11-15 11:43:00

Written by Samir Hosni Wednesday, November 15, 2023 01:43 PM

Extra News channel showed a documentary film regarding the old plan of seizing ambitions SinaiPointing out that, following these years, the Zionists are demanding the expulsion of the Palestinians to Sinai following their occupation of Palestine.

The documentary film reviewed the statements of the late President Mohamed Anwar Sadat to an American journalist regarding transferring the Palestinians to Sinai, following launching a test balloon, and the late leader met him with a decisive response.

The American journalist asked the late President Anwar Sadat: They look at Sinai and say it is just a desert!! Is there no way through which a settlement can be reached, where Israel can provide security and you regain the pride you demand?

Sadat replied: “This is very important… and this logic is not sound… You see, if this is just sand, and if the homeland is just sand, mud, or a swamp, then it is still the homeland… I do not know if the average American citizen would agree to anyone coming to the desert.” Western… I mean, any desert you have, so that he can seize a piece of land by force from that desert and start dictating his conditions… This is the situation here.”

#late #President #Anwar #Sadat #respond #attempts #displace #Palestinians #Sinai

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