The Divan on the Radio: Psychological risk factors

The possibility of differentiating the exercise from normal grandparenting or a pathological way of assuming this function.

We continue working with Graciela Zarebski: Towards good aging, she is a true gem on issues of older adulthood and aging. For us it is important to classify the information, so that you are well documented, it is definitely our responsibility.

The author points out that deterioration (whatever it may be), mourning, widowhood, retirement, sexuality, as well as death, are themes that require a listening space: listening to oneself, being listened to, listening to the other, in order to review the personal position in the face of these events of aging.

Some psychological risk factors have been detected, which are those personality factors that are going to affect bad aging. They are:

• Dependence, when you live your whole life supporting or supported by someone else. By losing this single cane, the fall is precipitated, thus requiring a material cane and falling into a dependent old age, when in fact one left dependent, without recognizing it, all his life.

• The position in front of the cane, prostheses and wheelchairs. His rejection shows that they always pretended to be a complete whole and when confronted with the minimum deficit, they feel incomplete.

• Mode operation: “all or nothing”; If when I was young I thought I had everything, when I’m old I feel that I’m nothing.

• The possibility of differentiating the exercise from normal grandparenting or a pathological way of assuming this function.

• Detect nostalgic positions: the “every past time was better”.

• Lack of malleability, rigidity, lack of flexibility in the face of change.

• Holding on to a univocal identity: “I am like this”.

• The lack of projects.

• The pathological elaboration of mourning and loss in general.

• The difficulty in carrying out the psychic work of being able to compensate for losses with gains: being able to recognize everything that is weighed down with age.

• Difficulty assuming self-care – of which frequent falls are an indication – if the limitations might never be accepted.

• The position facing the ‘great limit’, death, if attitudes of generativity cannot be displayed, in the creation of biological and/or cultural heirs. Not being able to accept the transience of life if the sense of transcendence that helps to bear one’s own death is not developed.

• Detect the narcissistic way of exercising sexuality: eternal mothering in the woman who cares or the man who can always, as illusions that in old age show their failure.

• Detect the action of denial mechanisms that lead to the big issues being hidden from oneself – “that is not talked regarding” – until that which is not talked regarding, suddenly bursts into old age with sinister characteristics, because we caught unprepared.

The idea is that the position of the subject in the face of his cognitive impairment, which generates anxiety, which requires an early diagnosis, allows him to differentiate whether he is facing a benign memory impairment, typical of normal aging, or the beginnings of possible dementia deterioration. It will be necessary to investigate.

Thank you for taking the time to read this space, we do it with love.


• Graduate and lawyer Maria Quiroz
Co-producer and host of the radio program: El diván en la radio

• Graduate and lawyer Francy Bottini.
Co-producer and host of the radio program: El diván en la radio

Follow us on Instagram @eldivanenlaradio

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