The distribution companies ensure a daily renewal of the stock

The liquid petroleum product distribution companies ensure that the stock of diesel is renewed on a daily basis, said Thursday in Rabat, Minister Delegate in charge of Relations with Parliament, government spokesperson, Mustapha Baitas.

« The diesel stock often covers between 30 and 60 days of consumption. The same quantity of diesel is acquired by the distribution companies and is being delivered, which allows the stock to be renewed daily“, underlined Mr. Baitas during a press briefing at the end of the Council of Government.

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« The companies carry out the purchase operations without waiting for the total exhaustion of the stock“, added Mr. Baitas who answered a question on the coverage of the diesel stock of only 26 days of consumption.

In a presentation before the Committee on Infrastructure, Energy, Mines and the Environment of the House of Representatives, the Minister of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development, Leila Benali, affirmed that the stock of liquid petroleum products stood at 789,000 tons on April 11, while butane gas reserves reached 191,000 tons and those of coal 701,000 tons.

In addition, Ms. Benali reported on the improvement in storage capacity for liquid petroleum products by 25% compared to 2015, thanks to the strengthening of dedicated infrastructure in Jorf Lasfar, Mohammedia, Laayoune and Sidi Bouathmane, with a capacity of 270,000 tonnes for an investment of approximately 761 million dirhams.

(With MAP)



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