The disease generated by the Covid-19 pandemic

The uncertainty and the various concerns that the current situation in the world has brought about due to the pandemic from Covid-19 It has also caused the outbreak of a illness more call Coronaphobia.

Confinement and the loss of loved ones or employment have unleashed a wave of excess fear among citizens around the world, leading to the development of mental health problems, which by 2030 are believed to be one of the main causes of disability in the world.

Among the multiple mental health problems, are phobias or phobic anxiety, according to mental health experts, the recent diagnoses that have developed since the arrival of the Covid-19, has been the appearance of excessive fear and intense anxiety.

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Symptoms of Coronaphobia

Coronaphobia can be identified through excessive fear or anxiety, and it can also lead to obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).

An OCD is the presence of obsessions or compulsions derived from recurring and persistent unwanted thoughts, impulses or images. In the case of pandemic OCD can be caused by the idea of ​​catching it or giving it to someone you love.

We can also identify Coronaphobia through repetitive behaviors generated by the person who suffers it, that is, if you wash your hands obsessively or fear any kind of dirt.

The current situation in the world due to the Covid-19 pandemic has developed Coronaphobia, here we explain what it is about

Photo: Unsplash

Where does Coronaphobia come from?

This new disorder comes from the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, however, phobias similar to other diseases that cause infection.

Some institutions specialized in mental health such as the American Psychiatric Association (APA), have begun to develop tools that allow a correct diagnosis and treatment of this disorder.

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It is important to start taking measures that allow treating these types of problems correctly, remember that taking care of your mental health is just as important as taking care of your physical health.

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