The discomfort of the census takers grows, who have not yet received

Almost two months passed Census 2022 and the discomfort of those who participated in the event grows day by day because They still haven’t received the $6,000 promised by the national government for the task carried out. In many cases, there were attendees who spent up to 12 hours on the street and still don’t know when they will receive that money.

From the Provincial Institute of Statistics and Censuses (Ipec) they indicated that they are working to validate the data of the census takers who participated in the national survey and that the delay is due to the fact that “many cases” erroneous data was loaded and there were even census takers who are not registered.

“Work is being done on the validation of the lists of census takers. It is taking longer than expected because we find that in many cases there are erroneous data from the census takers who had to upload their DNI and CBU, there are duplicate data, census takers who are not registered,” explained Ipec deputy director Claudia Mazzola.

In statements to LT10, Mazzola commented that they are revalidating data on “a structure of almost 60 thousand people”and that they hope to finish that validation in the next few days, since otherwise “there are people who will not charge“.

The concrete thing is that for some time now, social networks like Twitter have become the channel for complaints and discomfort, mostly young people, who demand payment of the $6,000 for that task carried out on May 18. They even launched messages loaded with sarcasm as a result of the inflation that the country is going through.


Mazzola said that “there is already a first round being validated by the Indec and they are in the process of making the payment process”, but maintained that they cannot “give a payment date because that depends on the Nation”.

“We are working so that no one is left unpaid”, he stated, while noting that they are also evaluating the cases of those workers who were assaulted during the census, whose claims are in process.

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