The dirty lies of Alla Pugacheva were officially exposed

The singer once more tried to mislead the public, but the professionals brought her to clean water.

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Recently, 73-year-old Alla Pugacheva practically does not give interviews. The artist makes her anti-Russian statements on the pages of the Instagram* social network banned in the Russian Federation. But there were times when Alla Borisovna regularly met with journalists. In particular, the prima donna of the Russian stage told one of the reporters regarding her method of losing weight: she allegedly lost 20 kilograms, replacing salt with soy sauce. The wife of Maxim Galkin (recognized as a foreign agent by the decision of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation) claimed that this is a simple and effective way to become slimmer with absolutely no harm to health.

However, nutritionist Yevgeny Arzamastsev officially exposed the dirty lies of the performer of the hit “Million Scarlet Roses”. According to him, the exclusion of salt from the diet can really help to lose weight, but the figures announced by Pugacheva are out of the question. You can lose a maximum of 3-4 kilograms this way, but not 20. Well, changing salt for soy sauce does not make any sense at all.

“Soy sauce also contains sodium. Sodium is what causes fluid retention. If the sauce is replaced with salt, it will not be a salt-free diet. In fact, you need to do not a salt-free, but a hyposodium diet, that is, a restriction in the diet of sodium, ”explains Arzamastsev.

Recall that at the end of February, the artist, along with her husband, moved to permanent residence in Israel. The disgraced couple regularly criticize Russia’s actions. Galkin, recognized as a foreign agent, distinguished himself especially here, who scolds the Motherland at each of his foreign concerts. By the way, recently Maxim Alexandrovich filmed on the street.

Source: Blitz+

Photo source: Legion-Media

*The organization is banned on the territory of the Russian Federation



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