The dirham stabilizes against the euro and the dollar

The dirham remained virtually stable once morest the euro and the US dollar during the period from December 23 to 29, according to Bank Al-Maghrib (BAM).

During this period, no offer was recorded within the framework of the currency auctions organized by BAM, indicates the Central Bank in its latest bulletin of weekly indicators for the year 2021. As of December 24, 2021, the official holdings of reserve stood at 330.2 billion dirhams (billion dirhams), down 0.1% week-over-week and up 4.3% year-on-year.

The overall outstanding amount of BAM interventions comes to 76.2 billion dirhams, of which 32.3 billion dirhams in the form of 7-day advances on call for tenders, 22.8 billion dirhams in the form of repurchase transactions and 21.2 billion. MMDH within the framework of the financing support programs of the TPME.

On the interbank market, the average daily volume of trade stood at 4.5 billion dirhams and the interbank rate during this period was 1.50% on average, notes BAM. During the call for tenders on December 29 (value date December 30), Bank Al-Maghrib injected an amount of MAD 47.3 billion in the form of 7-day advances.

During the period from 23 to 29 December 2021, the Masi appreciated by 1.4%, bringing its performance since the start of the year to 18.6%. This development reflects increases in the indices of the “oil and gas” sectors by 6.7%, banking by 1.4% and telecommunications by 1.2%.

Conversely, those of “finance companies and other financial activities” and “leisure and hotels” fell by 2.1% and 3.6% respectively. Regarding the overall volume of trade, it amounted to MAD 10.3 billion once morest MAD 7.3 billion a week earlier, including an amount of MAD 5.7 billion realized on the block market.

On the central equity market, the average daily volume amounted to MAD 901.1 million (MDH) following MAD 176.6 million.



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