The director who employed Ela Kanaitė, awarded in the Kremlin, in the Vilnius kindergarten, is retiring

“Today I just want to celebrate small but important things. Maybe you have already read about one pro-Kremlin teacher who was expelled from a school, but found a shelter in a kindergarten. And you coincided with me in such a way that it was with the director, who during the events of January (THAT January!) was very clearly “on the other side of the barricades”.

We have already said goodbye to both, only formalities remain…” Vice Mayor A.Šileris wrote on Facebook on Thursday evening.

The fact that V. Čižauskienė is withdrawing was also reported by LRT radio.

“We discussed the situation with the director, I tried to explain to her what the position of the municipality is in this case and that the situation is really not the most pleasant. She herself proposed, she says, if I cause damage to the municipality, I would like to be relieved of my duties so that the damage does not occur,” Vilnius Vice Mayor A.Šileris told LRT radio on Thursday.

15min as far as we know, the director is resigning from her position herself.

As he wrote 15minattention to Algis Ramanauskas pointed out E. Kanaitė’s workplace on the social network Facebook.

“Ela Kanaitė, who demonstrated her Russo-fascist beginnings in 2019 (my post about it from that time is attached here) and ran away from Lithuania, today, during the Russian invasion of Ukraine, she finds refuge again and goes to a Lithuanian school like nowhere else. She has access to children; as far as I know, she works as a deputy director in one of the elementary education institutions, in Vilnius kindergarten-school “Svaja”,

As far as I know, she was hired there by someone else – the former “announcer” of LRTV (“Kaspervizijas”) hijacked by the Russo-fascists on January 13, the quixotic Viktorija Čižauskienė (if this is not the same person, I will properly deny this information with apologies). Screenshots are attached,” he wrote on Facebook a few days ago.

Then the Vilnius municipality stated that the term of office of the director of the school-kindergarten “Svaja” V. Čižauskienė has ended.

Currently, she holds the position temporarily, because there was no candidate who obtained at least the minimum competitive score during the advertised competition for the position of manager, so the winner was not chosen. A new tender will be announced.

“We cannot confirm or deny that the information published by A. Ramanauskas about V. Čižauskienė is correct, because the municipality does not have such information.

We have also not received information from the responsible services that V. Čižauskienė cannot take up her current position”, explained G. Grubinskas, the representative of the Vilnius municipality.

On the same day, Vilnius City Municipality announced, that E. Kanaitė will not remain in the educational institution of the capital: “In response to the information that appeared in the public space that Ela Kanaitė, the deputy director for economic affairs at the Svaja school-kindergarten, is mentioned in the report on the assessment of threats to national security published by the Department of State Security, the Vilnius City Municipality contacted the temporary director of the school-kindergarten last week to assess the situation and make appropriate decisions.

Photo from VSD report/Dmitrijus Medvedevas and Ela Kanaitė

Today, the municipality received the director’s reply that the duties of the deputy director for economic affairs from 2020 In September, E. Kanaitė wrote a request to terminate her employment contract by agreement of the parties.”

#director #employed #Ela #Kanaitė #awarded #Kremlin #Vilnius #kindergarten #retiring
2024-08-19 13:10:54



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